Civilizations in the last moments embrace a total severance from reality, a reality that becomes too bleak to be absorbed.~ Chish Hedges, TruthDig.
Does TV strike you as a mirror of the reality of our lives? Or as a "through the looking glass" experience into the world of trash, license, the bizarre, the profane, the pierced, the perverted, the effeminate, the loud, the distorted, and every manner of untruth?
Me, too.
And that's just "Masterpiece Theater."
Want to see a discussion of Islam that will inform you as to its history of slaughter, pillage, domination, and slavery? You'll see Mr. Rogers costarring in a Chuck Norris movie before you see any hint of that.
Our very own presidink, as Popeye might say, is a Marxist revolutionary and brings communists into his White House staff. At any stage of his life, and I do mean any, Mr. Obama could have swang a cat and bowled over fire teams, if not regiments, of communists, fellow travelers, and people indifferent to, if not downright hostile to, white people and Western civilization. Does this perturb vast numbers of American citizens, other than the occasional far-right, radical, extremist, birther, Tea Party, dumpster-diving nut job?
The Great Karnak would precede that question with the answer, "Not so's you'd notice."
Highly educated, intelligent people are stoking the fires of inflation, debasing the currency and stealing from anyone holding dollars in their accounts, as well as spending insanely on things that have nothing whatever to do with reviving the economy and everything to do with gutting the Constitution and installing a leftist thugocracy. Eighteenth-century French aristocrats urinated freely on the floor in the rooms of the Versailles palace with greater concern for the sensibilities of those who had to clean up their effluvia. And with just as little heed for the future.
Copy that, 'Mano, but the real passion of the red-blooded, freedom-loving American male is for sports. Sports, sports, and more sports. Troops in the field in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Libya but not a one to do more on our own border than to throw paper clips at the occasional 10,000 invading Mexicans en route Kansas City, Lodi, Charlotte, Buffalo, and Des Moines.
Yep. I'd call that a reality that's pretty bleak to absorb.
And the failure to react is evidence of a great sickness.
H/t: Remus, Yer Ol' Woodpile Report, 5/17/11.
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