June 10, 2011

The 2008 economic crisis: beyond any doubt, deliberate.

Consider also that the report commissioned by the Defense Department stated that it cannot be ruled out that Wall Street regulatory bodies (including the DTCC) have been compromised by organized crime or even agents of foreign governments that are hostile to the United States.
This short passage is from a longer and utterly astonishing report. It doesn't even begin to describe the completely bizarre story told by Mark Mitchell about the operation in the financial markets of the United States of people with ties to China, Iran, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Saudi intelligence, Pakistan, Libya, North Korea, Russia (intelligence, mafia), and Al Qaeda and how, in one way or another, they helped precipitate the "economic crisis that nearly brought the United States to its knees in 2008."

"The Miscreants’ Global Bust-Out (Chapter 14): How the Russian Mafia Captured the DTCC — and the American Financial System." By Mark Mitchell, Deep Capture, 6/9/11.

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