September 9, 2011

Multiculturalism invites uncontrolled immigration, which . . .

. . . fosters balkanization and civil war.

It's inevitable.
And while Yugoslavia may be the current poster boy for this phenomenon [ethnic/sectarian turmoil], many other states are similarly diverse and, to varying degrees, struggle with ethnic/sectarian turmoil. Some, such as Iraq and Rwanda, are still making history; others, such as the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, are history. And then there are yet other nations. These are not places conceived in the ashes of war or the minds of colonial masters, but lands, such as the United States, Britain, and France, in which unprecedented immigration is creating a situation described by another term born of that tumultuous part of southeastern Europe: balkanization.

For most of man’s history, the norm was to keep foreign elements out of your land. When a people couldn’t, it often meant their conquest and subjugation — if not subsumption, as happened to the Ainus on the Japanese islands. Things have changed in modern times, however; the practice of inviting foreigners to your shores, known as immigration, has become a Western norm. But man’s nature doesn’t change. Thus, invitations cannot prevent the clash of civilizations that will inevitably result when a flood of new arrivals overwhelms a society’s ability to acculturate them.

* * * *

. . . Well, there is also an Ethnicity Bubble. This is when the group patriotism of cultures within a nation starts to increase to dangerous proportions. And when it becomes sufficiently overheated, the nation can [does!] burst. This was Yugoslavia’s fate. If we keep treading the multiculturalist road, it may [will!] be ours also.
"Multiculturalism." By Selwyn Duke, The New American, 8/25/11 (emphasis added).

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