October 19, 2011

The iron grip of the third world and socialism in the West.

The immigrants that are still being imported in large numbers to Western countries (a million or so have arrived in Britain since I wrote my previous analysis) will not pay enough in taxes to support the natives who are retiring. Research in several countries indicates that immigrants cost the state more in social benefits, medical care, law enforcement, etc. than they pay in taxes. The bankruptcy of the Western democracies can only be hastened by increasing the rate of immigration.

The newcomers, however, become reliable voters for the Socialist parties in whatever country they take up residence. In alliance with aging native Socialists, they provide an all but unshakeable majority demanding ever-increasing benefits and state-provided services.[1]
Add American blacks to the category of third-world and you have here and in Europe the perfect storm that will bankrupt the nation and turn it into a third-world slum.

[1] "Geronticide Revisited." By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 10/18/11.


Justin said...

It is baffling that no one is even talking about immgration restriction now, even in the midsts of this economic depression. It is madness.

Col. B. Bunny said...

It's the issue best represented by the image of two magnets turned so that they repel each other when brought together. Discussion of immigration can NOT be approached under any circumstances. Franklin had it right when he said, "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other."

I guess we're stuck with taking the most difficult road possible even though right now we could regain our sanity. But the sacred principle of the left and the WSJ is that we must turn the U.S. over to a tidal wave of third-world illegals.