February 25, 2012

What our senior military leaders excel at – groveling.

A completely useless exercise.

Not quite as pathetic as Gen. David "Lawrence of Arabia" Petraeus's visit to some Afghan notable tricked out like a dumbass in local ethnic finery. And not as intellectually corrupt as General George Casey's moronic statement about not jeopardizing the Army's diversity (after the Ft. Hood massacre committed by a Muslim).

But still, groveling.

H/t: View from the Right.


I incorrectly ascribed that moronic statement to Admiral Mike Mullen. I apologize for my error.


Anonymous said...

I would respectfully differ with your characterization of the recent apologies by Obama and his cowardly generals. Those apologies are acts of treason. Pure and simple. Aid and comfort to an actively engaged enemy is treason.

Col. B. Bunny said...

I understand your position but argue for a more exacting application of the concept of treason. Missing, I think, is knowingly and intentionally giving aid and comfort to our enemies. I believe the general intended to advance American interests, just like Gen. Petraeus's despicable pandering in some local get up was intended to do the same. A bad battlefield decision can aid an enemy but it's not a treasonous decision. I think this is more in that category of misjudgment.

What is astounding in both cases is the inability of both men to understand how their conduct comes across as personal weakness. I can't imagine a Soviet or Chinese general officer stooping this low. Or Patton, for that matter.

KG said...

I can't bring myself to watch it, Colonel sir.

AnalogMan said...

The statement you attribute to Adm Mike Mullen should rather, I think, be laid at the door of Gen George W Casey. Or are there actually two of these idiots?

Col. B. Bunny said...

Thank you, AnalogMan. I stand corrected. Casey is the offender not Mullen.

Mullen was the champion of "the cause of achieving demographic diversity in the Navy," i.e., more women and minorities in senior ranks of the Navy. (The report linked to is only for those with a strong stomach.) There is to be a secret list of (less capable) women and minorities to be given special mentoring (and soft fluffy pillows) to fast track for promotion.

No qualitative difference between him and Casey but he's not Casey.