October 1, 2014

Sweden’s race to the bottom.

But overall, the media aroused in me a new emotion towards Sweden, one I never dreamed I would ever feel: contempt. Things aren’t quite as bad as East Germany, as dissident Swedes are wont to say, but this country no longer has full freedom of speech. The far left – that is to say, the Swedish media and establishment – is not interested in “debating” mass immigration. They are ideologically committed to imposing it, come what may, for the greater good, and anybody who disagrees is a “hater,” a “fascist,” a “nazi” or a “racist.”

I’m not exaggerating. You see those words over and over in the Swedish media. Which is to say, Sweden itself has become the closest thing western Europe now has to a fascistic, Nazi-like, hate-based regime – only it is wrong-thinking ethnic Swedes who are its victims, at risk of assault, home-trashing and media humiliation for voicing opposition to state immigration policy.

. . . Is it surprising that there is no real debate on immigration when one side refuses to even acknowledge the concerns of the other, and simply resorts to slander?[1]

The disintegration of the lie requires proportionally stronger efforts to defend the lie.

[1]  "’Sweden – Europe’s closest thing to a fascist, hate-based regime.’ Kebabland – Part 3." By Iain Channing, Dispatch International, 2/11/14.

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