February 25, 2015

He sure has hell doesn't.

Love this country.

Former New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani:

“I don’t feel it. I don’t feel this love of America,” Giuliani said, talking about Obama. “I’m talking about a man who grew up under the influence of Frank Marshall Davis who was a member of the Communist Party, who he refers to over and over in his book, who was a tremendous critic of the United States.”[1]
Giuliani's pointing out that Obama has no love for America has exercised the left as only a plain and simple statement of obvious truth can. Well, duhh.

What simple facts can we turn to to shed some light on this matter?

Here's Obama's mentor of nine years until Obama went away to college, the guy Giuliani refers to above:

Mr. Davis was a card carrying communist. Your mentor in life was a hard core communist, right? And wouldn't that be everybody's go-to guy for lessons in patriotism? That part about a communist dictatorship just sends me. And nothing says "Americanism" like an efficient secret police force and sham elections.

Moving right along, here's Obama's pastor, the Rev.Jeremiah Wright:

He's the gentleman who preached that sermon with the words, "God damn America! God damn America!" He was Obama's pastor for 20 years who married Obama and Michelle and baptized their children. You should hear how my friends curse America. Like, don't get me started, ok?!

Here's Bill Ayers, husband of Bernardine Dohrn. They are two communist terrorists in whose living room Obama began his political career:

If you were kicking off your political career, wouldn't you make a bee line to the communist terrorists in your life to help you get set up? Doesn't everybody wipe their boots on Old Glory at some time in their life? Could we just get real here for a moment?

Here's Obama on the campaign trail in 2008:

Everyone else on that stage seemed to know that the national anthem was being played. Obama preferred his signature crotch salute. You can see it here later on, in case you think the previous picture shows some kind of a mistake on his part:

You just can't rush these things.

Compare and contrast that with this, as the professors at Harvard Law School say in their exams:

Not a Harvard law man here, it's true, but good enough for me. I detect a glimmer of understanding there, even though he is a Texan.

Here's a photo showing Obama's profound respect for our fighting men:

For future reference, we have:

How hard is that? Seriously?

Or is there any lesson for us here?

That's pretty cool in my book.

How about this shameless grandstanding?

I'm just sayin' is all. You can tell stuff about a man if you read the subtle signs.

Way I see it, apologizing to, slobbering over, and bowing and scraping before foreign heads of state and hotel maids around the world is just an exercise in humiliating the United States as part of some bizarre exercise in making amends for the sins of America that seem to preoccupy him so:

And taking office crowing about how you'll bring about the fundamental transformation of America is not what a patriot would do. You don't love something that you want to change fundamentally.

I just don't get this guy. Did he ever change a tire? Did he ever enjoy a brewski while tinkering with an engine? Did he ever put a cherry bomb under a hub cap? Did he ever shoot for 50 push ups? Did he ever date a girl in high school? Did he ever think about joining the military? Did he ever ride a motorbike? Did he ever go hiking or do anything as a youth besides smoke dope, hang out with foreign students and Marxists, read Frantz Fanon, and write creepy poems? He wanted to be a righteous "community organizer." Ad astra, man.

Giuliani nailed it. That vibe is missing. There's no sense that the man's heart is brimming with pride at serving as the president of this country. Every day I woke up knowing that I was the commander in chief of our splendid armed forces I would be filled with humility and an awesome sense of responsibility. Sure as shootin' you wouldn't need to shame me into rendering an appropriate salute when the occasion called for it.

[1] "The Mysterious 'Frank' Returns." By Cliff Kincaid, NewsWithViews.com, 2/23/15.

Edited 2/26/15 to finesse error in the original stating that Bush wasn't a Harvard grad.


Pascal said...

I've long ago noticed something about that Ayer's inciting photo, and I will share it with you.

The fly on his jeans appears to be photo-shopped.

When he finds it suitable, I'm sure he will release the REAL photo. Of course we already know that he was doing more than trampling the flag.

Col. B. Bunny said...

I confess I don't see the signs of photo-shopping, though I suspect you are using some subtle humor there. I think there's no limit to what he would do to defile the flag. And he would have preferred a different image had not it been too extreme for Chicago magazine.