March 26, 2015

Black mob violence.

They didn’t count on the Old White Dude with a bat.
"The Old Man and the Sea of Black Mob Violence." By Colin Flaherty, American Thinker, 3/26/15.

H/t: Crusader Rabbit: "Wake up, Whitey. You're at war."


Anonymous said...

Maybe they didn't but the media and the blacks played their normal roles. If people do not wake up to the black racism and do something about it then they will soon be victims too.

Arm yourselfs and learn to wield your choosen arm.

Col. B. Bunny said...

The extent and virulence of black racism will never be reported by the MSM. There's some virulent stuff on YouTube that ought to wake up even the addle brained.

Right now social peace is resting on a tenous layer of handouts to minorities. LBJ and the progressives had the votes to get the welfare state going but votes don't change the realities of arithmetic and compound interest. There's no more wiggle room in our fiscal and monetary policies. Fifty years ago there was an illusion of economics as not being zero sum because of our hugely productive economy and wealth. Now as whites and the middle class in general are sliding deeper into the hole, the money flowing to indolent parasites who hate our guts will be, um, noticed and patience will wear thin.

As you say, best be prepared.