October 29, 2015

CNBC and the elephant in the room.

The fact is, the monetary madness in the Eccles Building [Federal Reserve] is destroying free market capitalism by systematically and massively falsifying the prices of financial assets, and fueling a relentless, debilitating accumulation of debt throughout the warp and woof of the American economy and the rest of the world; and it’s simultaneously extinguishing political democracy by deeply subsidizing our crushing $19 trillion national debt.

The GOP politicians appropriately sputtered last night about the bipartisan beltway scam rammed through the House yesterday by Johnny Lawnchair, but they were given no opportunity by their clueless moderators to explore exactly why this kind of taxpayer betrayal happens over and over.[1]

The ballooning balance sheet of the Federal Reserve and the inexorable rise in the amount of public debt in America are indicators that the political "management" of the economy is solidly in fantasy territory.

You may like aircraft carriers, war on Syria, EBT cards for parasites, a war on coal, sex change operations for federal prisoners, abortion counseling for pre-teens, relocating our Muslim enemies to Vail, Martian colonization, and combat gear for the Environmental Protection Agency, but one way or another our debt structure becomes more dangerous. As an out-of-control, idiot, universal-franchise democracy, it's a given that the peculiar and self-interested wishes of various constituencies will trump any considerations of morality (no subsidies for the child bearing of whores) or sensible fiscal policy (live within our means). Those constituencies can "win" year after year but eventually no one wins.

Why? Because the Great Calculator in the Sky scores the costs of these stupidities every moment of our existence and no mere vote by any mere human changes the total cost in the slightest. Reality eventually must be accommodated. A sick person may drink green tea and tell himself that he's in great shape all he wants, but his cancer will require either chemo, surgery, or his death. The unpleasantness of the disease is not affected by what the patient chooses to avoid.

CNBC, with some kind of putative finger on the pulse of the American economy supposedly, did not want the effects of Federal Reserve policy discussed in last night's "debate" and its agents were properly called on the carpet by Cruz and Christie for focusing on trivial matters.

More to the point, is there any area of modern Western life that is not just infested with this kind of willful avoidance? Germany's Santa Angela says, "We can manage" or that Europe's "values" require the admission of a million more Muslims but is the option of stopping the flow of invaders at the source even mentioned? Does she or anyone bother to explain what "values" require Europe to commit suicide? Obviously commit suicide?

The lies of the lunatics running Western countries are bad enough but the omissions of these treasonous fools are just as treacherous. Merkel can say Germany (and Europe) can "manage" but does anyone think to ask why Germany has to manage in the first place?

And why does the national debt curve keep soaring into the clouds with NO effort to bend it back down in the direction of solid ground? A great question but don't expect it to be part of the political discourse.

[1] "The Debate: GOP Candidates Elevated, CNBC Eviscerated." By David Stockman, Contra Corner, 10/29/15. Mr. Stockman's article is worth your time.


Unknown said...

Nothing can ever happen until it does. The unthinkable becomes very possible when it becomes obvious that lunatics are running the asylum. This fantasy of growing the economy or whatever BS they're pushing today is not gonna fly. South Africa took egalitarianism and flushed it down the toilet. Rhodesia was the first to drop, but people said it was a fluke and blamed Mugabe. Its not just Mugabe dummy. White people built Civilization and it won't run without White Supremacy. Western Civilization is White Supremacy. If you don't like it, then go to the jungle and starve.

Col. B. Bunny said...

I quite agree. I'll shuck and jive a bit and formulate it rather as simply white civilization. Whites in the U.S. are deluded into thinking this is a "propositional" nation but that is nonsense. The country was founded and built by white Europeans. Period. Full stop. People from all around the world yearn to come here to enjoy white civilization, not some third-world glop. But that is where the Treason Class is steering us.

It would never occur to me (or even a lunatic white leftist) to go to China and demand that China import millions of whites or blacks to "improve" China or so China could enjoy more diversity. China's a yellow man's country but America, a white country, is required to extinguish its white population in a sea of foreigners, and not even foreigners from our same civilization.

I think the allure of socialist something for nothing, additionally poisoned by our collective fetishism over democracy and the universal franchise, just has to play out until we crash. Only then will something resembling normality return, though I don't look to its being anything like what we enjoy now. The "interim period" is going to be "interesting" indeed.