November 28, 2015

Birds of a feather.

Senior White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett continues to maintain very close relations with CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood group based within the United States. CAIR most recently awarded the Texas student dubbed “clock boy” as its 2015 “Muslim of the year.” The teenage student had built a device which looked like a suitcase bomb and then brought it to school where understandable panic ensued. Within 24-hours the boy received congratulations from Barack Obama himself who declared the device to be a “cool clock” and then invited the boy and his Muslim family to the White House for presidential recognition.

For building a fake bomb clock.

What has just transpired over the skies of Turkey and Syria is no hoax though – it is a show of strength from the world’s most powerful Muslim Brotherhood nation against a world leader who has long made clear his disdain of Muslim militants.

Within hours of the Russian fighter jet being shot down by Turkish anti-aircraft fire, the first government to quickly side with Turkey was the Obama administration.[1]

CAIR – Muslim Brotherhood ties, unindicted co-conspirator Holy Land terror financing trial.

Valerie Jarrett – close ties with CAIR; most important political adviser to Barack Hussein Obama.

Recep Erdogan – president of Turkey, long-time member of the Muslim Brotherhood; supplier of arms and ammunition to al Qaida and so-called Free Syrian Army forces in Syria.

Barack Hussein Obama – ally of Erdogan; author of the statement "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." Amused by a fake suitcase bomb built by a Muslim school boy.

Like a dog that will roll in the carcass of a skunk, Obama, it's safe to say, has got the stink of the Muslim Brotherhood on him. And he's providing Brotherhood people access to our government. It's absurd.

Some Americans may have gotten used to this freak's being in the White House but I have not. Seeing him there is like coming home and finding a giraffe reading a Chinese newspaper in your living room.

[1] "Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Shoots Down Russian Fighter Jet." DCWhispers, 11/24/15.

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