I am of course talking about the so-called “refugee crisis,” but because even this name is working against us, I will call it what it really is—a war against Europe by means of invasion. It is now vitally important to call things by their right name, because this distinguishes friend from foe.This excerpt is from a brilliant piece by Dmitri Orlov. He has put it all together refusing to accept that any leaders and their media and church supporters could be this stupid:But it is even more important is to understand why this is a war rather than a crisis caused by refugees. Everything about this development bears the hallmarks of a military/intelligence operation.
* * * *
. . . No one asks questions, but what is clear is that we have completely lost control over European territory.
Thirdly, there is the little matter of collaboration and treason. Even if this is a genuine refugee crisis, why is that none of the policies of the German/European government make any sense? And why is the press acting continuously and uniformly in favor of their policies, and is downright hostile toward the European populace? If millions of people have to flee immediate peril, there are a lot of different ways to care for them without endangering the integrity of Europe and ruining several national budgets. But instead of discussing what to do, how to do it and how to pay for it, the plan seemed to be predetermined, decided and fixed long ago.[1]
Since I don’t believe that either coincidences or stupidity of this magnitude is possible, this is either treason or high treason.[2]Consider how impossible it is to formulate policies that are so manifestly against the interests of the German people. Their origin is and must be hidden very deeply:
The divorce between the government and the people is almost complete by now. . . . Never before was it more visible to me that this society is completely broken, with every key element, acting against both individual and collective interests, seemingly following orders while digging their own graves.[3]One ray of hope:
I have heard from several people connected to European security circles that the illegal weapons market is completely sold out, with many dealers holding on to their weapons for their own personal use. This is a rumour, but since we have been forced to depend on hearsay for any real information right now, I tend to believe it.[4]I recommended Orlov's piece highly. Assumptions of leadership good will and possible honest misjudgment simply must be abandoned. Orlov's conclusions ring true and have to be one's new starting point.
Lest you still think that there a lunatic treason class that is not at work in Germany, consider this from Paul Gottfried:
In other Western countries, for example Germany, the dangerous tendencies highlighted at the conference are even more advanced than they are here. In Germany, political leaders gleefully prophesy the death of their historic nation and rejoice at the prospect of replacing the indigenous population with new settlers (Neusiedler), mostly from the Third World. Former German foreign minister and a radical cultural leftist who had been involved in revolutionary violence, Joschka Fischer, , [sic] is an immigration enthusiast who has insisted that “Europeans should stop treating migrants as a threat and start viewing them as an opportunity.” [Europe’s Migration Paralysis, August 24, 2015] Fischer’s admirer Jurgen Trittin, who now heads the German Green Party, is already ecstatic that his country is being overwhelmed by Asian Muslim migrants: “Each day Germany is disappearing more and more; and this is a truly wonderful thing!” exults Trittin, [YouTube] who heads one of the largest parties in the country that he hopes will soon vanish.[5]I tend to discount the lingering power of any kind of war guilt in German thinking but knowledgeable people have suggested that I do not understand how it still operates. Whatever is at work in the elites of Germany, you can't ignore what Gottfried says about Mr. Trittin's heading one of the largest parties in German. A lot of voters made that a reality and, whatever the heck is behind it, it is some sick stuff.
Addendum, 11/5/15: I see that Trittin was strongly criticized for an arguably less controversial remark and that the Greens lost support afterwards. Also, while Gottfried describes the Greens as one of the largest parties it only received 8.6% of the vote in 2013, fourth out of five. So the German electorate is less culpable than I stated. Trittin's personal views are still instructive, however, as an example of just how twisted the thinking of otherwise normal-looking adults can be.
[1] "An Exit Strategy for Traitors."
By Alex S., Club Orlov, 11/3/15.
[2] Id.
[3] Id.
[4] Id.
[5] "'Becoming Who We Are'—An Immigration-Critical Jew Reflects On NPI’s Conference." By Paul Gottfried, VDARE.com, 11/2/15 (links removed).
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