In summing it all up, it also becomes evident that the Syrian "civil war" never really was one. Rather, the terrorists were supported by the West from the very beginning, for the purpose of overthrowing Assad’s government (as I’ve written in previous articles). When faced with a terrorist defeat, the sponsors will throw all their political weight behind the terrorists, no matter what it costs.Thus the most loathsome group of humans on the planet are a creature of U.S. policy, no doubt devised at the behest of the equally loathsome Saudis and Qataris.Ultimately, this is proof that the hegemonic ambitions of the US / the West in this region were the reason behind the creation of IS. It was never a fight against IS. It was the targeted, planned, intentional creation of Islamic extremism, in the form of the Islamic State.[1]
Mr. Lehner has an interesting insight into the Russian and Syrian strategy. Apparently the Syrian army controls the border east of the Euphrates River and Russian attacks on ISIS supply convoys coming from the border crossing town of Öncüpınar in NW Syria are thus attacks on ISIS's remaining supply line.
Lehner thinks U.S. alarm over this development is the reason for the Turkish attack on the Russian aircraft. That the U.S. requested this Turkish action is more plausible than that the Turks decided to risk Russian retaliation on their own. It just is.
Do read Lehner's thoughts on the likely Russian-Syrian strategy which will sever the ISIS supply line so deviously left intact by the U.S.[2]
This flow of "aid" from Turkey into Syria has been well known to the U.S. (or "NATO" if you prefer). JSTARS aircraft were used in Libya and it beggars the imagination that they have not been used in Syria a mere 1,300 miles away (or a mere 67 miles from Incirlik AFB). These were the aircraft used during the Gulf Wars that clearly could track every bicycle and jackrabbit on the roads of Iraq.
Even without that, it's rumored that the U.S. has pilotless drones, as well as an extensive network of surveillance satellites on the moon that surely could not have missed the extensive truck traffic necessary to supply a terrorist "army" of, what?, tens of thousands of troops. Don't mind me. I'm just an amateur intelligence analyst here, but isn't the scale of that kind of resupply effort classifiable as "noticeable"?
Unless you've been in a coma for the last two years, it's sort of obvious that the fix was in:
- low-level U.S. intelligence analysts' reports were doctored at higher levels to show a success against ISIS that was a fabrication;
- U.S. pilots over Syria have been ordered to "stay silent" about "oil tanker convoys 4 lanes wide at times";
- Russian planes destroyed ISIS-to-Erdogan oil tanker trucks at a rate 800 times that of the U.S. "effort" to destroy them;
- U.S. pilots have been prevented from attacking oil trucks because (no laughing!) of Obama's concern for "environmental damage";
- U.S. planes dropped leaflets on ISIS oil truck drivers warning of imminent attack "to kind of shoo people away without harming them"[3];
- Turkey, without protest from the U.S., is in league with ISIS; and
- where assessing allegiance and combat capability is concerned, the U.S. foreign policy establishment is clueless ($500 million wasted).
[1] "Washington Is Panicking That Putin Is Breaking the ISIS Supply Line." By Michael Lehner, Russia Insider, 12/2/15.
[2] We were "shocked" to find out ISIS resupply operations were freely running up and down Syria's sparse network of roads. I mean, who the fuck knew that ISIS trucks would stay on the one asphalt road instead of stealth drive overland through the desert in the sand? Or is it two roads? Whoa. A 100% increase in the complexity of the intelligence assessment! I'm thinking the Russians read the Journal of the North American Sunbathing Association and had it all figured out on the back of an envelope within two days of the mobile officer's club serving its first drink in Latakia. Za zdorovie, bichez!
[3] People who drive trucks for an organization that burns captured pilots alive, rapes hostages, makes sex slaves of Yazidi women, and revels in chopping off heads of captured soldiers and shooting them are not "innocents" but that's just me. But not in the view of the U.S. government. By their standard, Obama and the U.S. political leadership who have created misery and destruction in aid of their unclean "regime change" campaign in Syria are innocents as well, which is not likely to be discussed by the MSM anytime soon. I suppose we should be thankful the drivers weren't offered a green card and an Earned Income Credit if they file by April 15.
Original article here: NEO Presse.
Correction (12/23/15): Öncüpınar is in NW Syria not the NE as I wrote initially. Corrected to NW.
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