October 2, 2016

Orbán on E.U. migrant quotas.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on what's at stake in the Hungarian referendum on acceptance of E.U. migrant quotas:
Common sense and mercy must be applied together.

This means if we really want to help, then bring the assistance there rather than bring the trouble here. That is the gold standard, that is what our Christian principles dictate. It comes from our Christian responsibilities to undertake only as much as would make the situation better and not worse. Common sense looks at the facts, and not ideologies. Our present facts and experiences are disheartening. The formula is simple. Where they allow the migrants in, they will overwhelm the locals; they are more fertile than the native population. As their numbers grow, they feel less and less need to integrate — why would they do that, when in their eyes they look stronger than the others?

We only need to do some simple calculations to see that this silent battle will be won by them if we allow it![1]

Today Hungary voted 98% against acceptance of any E.U. quotas.

[1] Quoted in "Viktor Orbán: Every Thirty Years We Hit the Mainstream." By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 10/2/16.

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