December 21, 2018

Tone-deaf elites: French version.

The [French] ruling caste clutches its privileges. The president practices public charity. They distribute a few euros to the poorest, yet they don’t touch anything. They leave intact a system that produced nine million poor and four and a half million unemployed and destroyed more than half of the industrial potential. They don’t lower public spending. They don’t lower the expenses that are strangling the country. They change nothing. They continue to head right for the wall. Without the slightest reflection. Without the slightest discussion. Or the slightest debate.
"The unfolding disaster (or miracle) in France." By Tiberge, Gallia Watch, 12/18/18 (emphasis added).


paul scott said...

Because I do not know France well, I did not expect this revolution .
It is the only way.
We must be prepared for great sacrifice if we are to save ourselves.
Where I live there are few enough stirrings. Just the keyboard chatter.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Our prosperity has anesthetized us all. Of course, the traitorous leadership has invited in the savages and had no interest in sounding the tocsin over their own betrayal.

Too, we're all very vulnerable to having our livelihoods destroyed by loss of job or, now, banishment from or demonetization on social media. There is no short supply of patriots sounding the warning but some kind of Stockholm Syndrome seems to suffocate all such leading lights.