June 22, 2019

More foreigners!

And they must be from the third-world.
Ruth Davidson has ambitions far beyond Scotland, but Nicola Sturgeon wants to become leader of an “independent” Scotland, so that she can bind it more firmly into the EU. She likes the authoritarianism of the EU just as much as she likes the idea of opening Scotland’s borders to the Third World. She has claimed that Scotland “needs more working age people to help our economic growth, generate the tax revenues and support the public services so many of us rely on.”

As Migration Watch pointed out in response, she’s arguing for a Ponzi scheme even if only high-IQ White European immigration into Scotland is taken into account. But Sturgeon doesn’t really care about public services and the economy: she wants to flood Scotland with tax-eating, welfare-dependent non-Whites from the Third World.[1]

The passage is from an interesting article, to say the least, about Jewish influence in British politics. It also sheds much bright light on the oddity that is Scottish politics, though "Orwellian nightmare" is closer to the truth than "oddity."

The photos of Scotland's gynocracy will soft boil your no. 5 iron for sure, if you have one. The list of courageous, insightful, articulate women who fight for sanity and the preservation of Western nations (e.g., Brigitte Gabrielle, Vanessa Beeley, Oriana Fallaci, Pam Geller, Dymphna, Sharyl Atkisson, Eva Bartlett, Laura Loomer, Blond in the Belly of the Beast, Vanishing American, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Ingrid Carlqvist, Marine Le Pen, Lauren Southern) is as long as a line of illegals at a California DMV office but the Western women who have political ambitions seem to require a regular transfusion of lizard blood, Tulsi Gabbard being a notable exception to that rule notwithstanding some loopy leftist beliefs.

As an aside, you have to love part of a Frederick Peterson comment on the Langdon article:

We need to keep in mind that the plural of anecdote is not ‘data’ . . . .
That's probably an old timer but it's still a true Pearl of Expression.

Be sure to read all the comments.

[1] "A Tartan Tyranny: Censorship and Silence in the Virtue-Signalling Scottish Police State." By Tobias Langdon, The Occidental Observer, 11/28/18 (emphasis added).

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