July 11, 2019

Propaganda onslaught.

One thing not to be forgotten is that when the takfiris finally were pushed out of Douma, a makeshift chemical weapons factory, complete with how-to-make instructions and receipts for the machinery and chemical compounds received, was found underground in an elaborate network of tunnels.

Neither the factory nor the tunnels, nor the brutal nature of the takfiris holding Douma, or their previous crimes, including their previous alleged use of chemical weapons were items for show or discussion in the media.

Neither was the story one of armed fanatics taking over a district close to a national capital and holding its citizens hostage. Neither was the story one of foreign governments and the armed groups they were supporting besieging an entire country. The facts were reversed so that it was the Syrian government and army laying siege to its own people and killing them with chemical weapons.

Over the past eight years, the propaganda onslaught by these governments and the corporate media has been total. [1]

That "laying siege to your own people and killing them" notion is intriguing. I can't think of any incident in history where any leader set out to do that, where it was his principal objective. "Got to kill my peeps, yo."

Civilians invariably suffer when there's a war but when a city or area is besieged, encircled, or targeted, the general is not after his own citizens but rather the enemy amongst them. But the contrary notion about the Syrian government is what's been peddled with malice aforethought to Western audiences.

The U.S., Britain, France, Germany, NATO, and members of the accursed coalition waging war on Syria and, soon, on Iran, are party to a dishonorable, filthy enterprise. Whatever good will the U.S. had from its good works in the post-war world has been squandered for no good purpose. Malevolence, theft, and aggressive, unconstitutional war are the order of the day.

[1] "The End of Truth as We Know It – Or Knew It." By Jeremy Salt, American Herald Tribune, 2/21/19.


paul scott said...

Yes, and thanks to you Colonel for your Syria posts. This site is where I became acquainted with the realities of Syria and followed up with some background reading. The particulars of Syria were applicable to the rest of the Middle East, and without too much pain I had swallowed the red pill. Few enough of our New Zealanders or Australians has any clarity of knowledge on this country.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Many thanks, Paul. What I understand about the ME is a work in progress. After 9/11, the sudden appearance of "the Axis of Evil" notion struck me as odd. Saudi Arabians had played a huge role in the attack but suddenly it was Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. Say what? Sad to say, I was still in my benefit of the doubt phase but suddenly Gaddafi was "out to kill his own people" and Bashar Assad was the mad-dog ophthalmologist with a hitherto undiscovered penchant for acting the role of "Brutal Dictator." Waging illegal and unconstitutional war on Syria just made no sense as Syria posed no threat to the US or our interests whatsoever. Add in the obvious distortion of US foreign policy in the ME engineered by (((certain people))) and suddenly one is full of new questions about what the heck we are doing.

Nor is it hard to be repulsed by the US fanaticism about "regime change." Personally, I'd hate to tell my neighbor how often to mow his grass or what he needs a new wife. But we in our arrogance know enough to tell entire nations that they need to adopt "our values" and accept our views on "governance."

The ultimate insult, of course, is having tens of thousands of US troops on foreign borders but not a one on our own. There are some on our borders but they are doing nothing more than wiping noses of the CBP-apprehended "migrants" in the reception centers.