October 11, 2019

Not in Kansas any longer.

Under freedom of information release, Judicial Watch in the past week has uncovered categorical proof that the Mueller probe was a coup attempt to oust Trump. . . .

America’s democracy and constitution is being trashed by unelected shadowy forces, aided and abetted by prestigious media outlets like the New York Times. These forces presume to know better or have more privilege than their fellow Americans who “voted the wrong way”.

The inescapable conclusion is that powerful political forces within the US simply do not recognize the democratic rights of the electorate who voted Trump into office. Not only do these forces not respect democratic principle, they also, patently, do not respect due legal process or the high offices of their own government.[1]

Nor do they respect the Constitution, free speech, or debate itself, as witness the outrageous practice of deplatforming and the absolute lunacy of leftist rhetoric (impeachment, multiculturalism, climate change, white privilege, racism!).

It's a hell of a note that Americans whose birthright is liberty are spied upon, taxed to the hilt, and drowning in a tide of foreigners who despise us, steal our jobs, and expect us to be their cash cows. Our personal security is as nothing if leftist scum do not approve of our opinions.

The author makes the point that "the people who are doing the damage to US politics and its constitution are 'patriotic' Americans, not Russia or any other imagined foreign adversary."

And that you can take to the bank, tovarich.

[1] "America's Political Implosion." By Finian Cunningham, ZeroHedge, 10/11/19.


paul scott said...

The general tenor of this artcicle can be applied similarly to the UK.
There observers can see that the Judiciary once unassailably neutral is now activist.
The pople voted for Brexit, to leave the European Union,in 2016, but apparently thay didn't know what they were voting for and anyway are stupid'
so the Parliament steadfastly interupts and now has a grip preventing Boris Johnson carrying out the people's will.
The Courts there are now social Justice active. Its hard to see how this happened but it did, similar to the anti Trump activists in USA.
The best outcome would be for toatla collpase of rule by Parliament a new election with the Brexit leader Nigel Farage propelled to Prime Minister.
But the best thing never seems to happen.

paul scott said...

On another issue Colonel, you'll probably have to outline the facts about Syria again.
We need points of reference, or I do, especially with new developments.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Forty years ago I believed the US was governed by sane people. Of course, I could see the result of the leftist assault in the Sixties but basically we hadn't lost our minds. Unlike the present and, as you point out, in the UK. I can't imagine a more greasy, dishonest, petty, vicious government, except maybe Germany, France and Sweden. Fortunately the worst of the worst don't rule here in the US but it's touch and go from here on.

Being a rule of law guy, I vastly admired the English courts in the past that were predictable and fair in matters of contracts. Ditto, capitalism in general which was a reasonable way of harnessing human energy and creativity WITHIN a framework of reasonable government oversight (sanctity of contract, no fraud, no monopoly, no unfair competition, workplace safety, even workmens compensation and unemployment insurance). But now the left slobbers over anything and everything that is oppressive, obstructive, discretionary, irrational, and parastic. Free speech is vital but the left thinks they long-term consequences of allowing only one side of the issues means political, social, and economic health as it exists in their dreams.

I don't know how the leftists in Britain can see anything healthy in the developing garbage dump that it is. But power and sticking to the normal people is what they lust after. This mockery of order and authority never ends well. Used to be the Brits would literally read the Riot Act to the feral elements. Now, there are no such leaders.

I've no plans for anything comprehensive on Syria, Paul. I've one specific project in mind of which I will inform you when I get over my contemptible inertia.

I trust you are holding up well in that tropical hell you call home. :-)