December 31, 2019

Common decency v. groveling before the rotten left.

There is a big difference between being kind and not adding to the pain of people with real issues, and with being forced by drag bullies and their allies to publicly affirm what everyone knows is false.
"Schlichter: Here's What's Going To Happen In 2020." By Kurt Schlichter, ZeroHedge, 12/30/19.


paul scott said...

Off subject Colonel. The clock just turned past 12 here and best wishes to you and your family for 2020.
During the last two years I completely ran out of money except for our NZ pension and income when I rent the Christchurch home to mongrels who like to wreck it for me each year.
I have maybe four weeks to bring the home up to standard again, and find a tenant and then get back to Bangkok
The weird thing is that having a few hundred dollars between starving and living makes you dangerously fit.
My Doctor likes to take blood gest from me so he can measure me up for a box, and to his annoyance, I just ignore tests and that way you stay well.
I think we will all be Ok this year, I find it hard with New Zealanders now, there is always the bravado comments on internet but we have no action. They still all watch TV and think it is real.
One good thing is that the intended total removal of fire arms from New Zealanders didn't work. many people ignored the ultimatum .
So once again all the best for you this year and your family. Paul Scott

Col. B. Bunny said...

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your New Year's good wishes. The same to you, Sir.

I'm sorry to hear of your financial difficulties. At least there is your pension, though I am sure it is modest enough to keep your anxiety level high. I hope your expat situation allows for significant stretching of available funds.

I too rent a former residence of mine on the east coast and it generates decent income, esp. now that I paid off the mortgage, but it's a constant irritation and I dread any phone call from my tenant who's generally without skill or inclination, one, to help with minor repairs. Just as I paid off the mortgage, I had to shell out over $6,000 for exterminators, a painter, a new compressor for the heat pump, and a plumber.

Warmest best wishes,

Col. B.

NZ seems in the same class as Canada, only stupider. I'm glad the removal of firearms is not going well. There is a core group of normals in every Western but tragically impotent in the face of the dominant numbskullery.