May 2, 2020

Lack of strategic vision (Part CXXVIII).

Our markets here in the U.S. levitate because of the centrality of the U.S. dollar but with each new data point that comes out, with each new bailout, round of sanctions and tariffs to deflect from our leadership’s lack of strategic vision the day when that is no longer the case draws nearer.

The guys like Trump, DeSantis [Florida] and Abbott [Texas] are supposed to understand this. They are supposed to understand that the real fight for our civilization is here at home not against China, Iran, Russia or Venezuela.[1]

But, no, muchachos. It's Chyinaah, Chyinaah, Chyinaah! Assad! Assad! Assad! Iran! Iran! Iran! Russia! Russia! Russia! Yemen! Gaddafi! Taliban! Serbs! Crimea! Ukraine! Venezuela! Pinochet! Xerxes!

[1] "Lockdowns Ending But Their Politics Still Rule." By Tom Luongo, ZeroHedge, 5/2/20 (emphasis removed).

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