June 6, 2020

America - a failed social experiment?

In a recent interview with carpet muncher Anderson Cooper he [Cornell West, Harvard's answer to Don King] declared America to be 'a failed social experiment'. He was right. But not in the way he meant. Because the social engineering project to make blacks equal to Whites has been a catastrophic failure as the current shenanigans underline. Sixty years of litigation, marches, riots, white flight, affirmative action, Section Eight sprawl, diversity training, whiteness studies, dumbing down of everything to make blacks look competent, midnight basketball, portrayals of blacks as geniuses in the media and probably a trillion dollars of White taxpayers' money have left things pretty much as they were when the social experiment began.

Actually things are worse.[1]

And they are. Irish Savant goes on to describe the enormous social and economic cost of this fatuous effort to prove that there is one and only one human type that inhabits the North American continent sandwiched between Methico and Trudeaupia, to wit, Murcans.

You can have a bone through your nose, put tattoos on your forehead, slaughter chickens outside the courthouse for good luck, roll in the mud to please your voodoo spirits, have six different baby daddies to your brood of future geneticists and orbital mechanics, dig out your daughter's clitoris, leave bombs along marathon routes, and put a knit vagina cap on your head but you, Sparky, are still a certified Murcan in good standing with all rights and privileges thereunto appertaining.

Our exceptionalism.

[1] "America - a failed social experiment?" By Irish Savant, 5/31/20.

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