September 2, 2020

Peak stupidity.

The only moral course for whites is to renounce “white privilege” and to fight “systemic racism” as one of the central purposes of their lives.

Many whites believe this is the greatest moral challenge of our time — but how do we fight racism perpetrated by a “system” and not by people? A recent statement by the National Museum of African American History points the way. It listed undesirable traits of “whiteness” that oppress blacks: linear thinking, rugged individualism, self-reliance, the intact nuclear family, a strong work ethic and delayed gratification, respect for authority, punctuality, planning for the future, English common-law justice, property rights, and good manners.[1]

It's reckless of me to think that we've reached the peak, but, to date, this is it.

The thought does wanders around in my cortex that, if "whiteness" is so awful, what exactly is so great about "blackness"?

[1] "Why America Has Gone Mad." By Jared Taylor, The Unz Review, 9/1/20.


paul scott said...

Here is a link to a UN statement that tells us how very bad white men are.
The two evils are Whiteness and Maleness.
I am seriously ferocious to people who level that stuff at me.
If I was over there I would carry a gun. I would shoot before kneeling, regardless of the consequences.

Unknown said...

Thanks. All quite infuriating. But it's about to come a cropper, this madness fueled by prosperity and 100 some years of liberalism/socialism. The left is about to learn the truth of the warning be careful what you wish for. Consequences hinted at by the photo. Pensions, welfare, imperial overreach, malinvestment, debt service, reserve currency, currency debasement, inflation, central bank idiocy, the bubble economy, and race denial are all set tinder waiting for a spark. Mr. Market and Mr. Common Sense will be back in town shortly.