September 5, 2020

Working hypothesis.

The reality is that the global economy was broken by these lock downs and the now indisputable over-reaction by governments to effect fundamental political change and oust Trump from power.[1]
The key tell that there's an unannounced agenda was the heavy-handed censorship and duplicity surrounding the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. Someone with the ability to control "the narrative" on multiple fronts did not want the notion of effective early treatment to see the light of day. I know of at least one congenial and quite nonpolitical vlogger, Praveen Mohan, who made some innocuous comment about HCQ and found himself the target of YouTube harassment. Bam. Problems with his account.

The other tell is the paucity of official statistics that make an attempt to provide some perspective about the scamdemic. Information issued but nothing reflecting intelligent analysis. No info on infections/deaths compared to other afflictions, vulnerability according to age, comorbidity, danger of residence in assisted living, etc. Nothing reflecting a search for perspective of any kind.

Another was the creepy emphasis on development of an entirely new vaccine, from a standing start already, which would save us. No doubt about it. Cost? Mandatory or voluntary? Strange silence over the land. But somehow in our stars. Definitely. Just axe Bill.

Yet another was the official skewing of the numbers, with orders from on high to count deaths as corona virus deaths if at all possible. Death following motorcycle accident plus corona virus infection? Corona virus death, baby. Has to be.

And, finally, yet another tell being the profound silence about the actual long-term effect on the economy. This nation's economy was basically kneecapped and no one . . . NO ONE . . . of any prominence stood up to count the cost of shutdown v. saving X number of lives. Good to save lives? Hosannah, hosannah. Good to destroy the economy? . . . crickets . . . . And now we're back to doing backflips over the stock market with a confused and desperate Federal Reserve.

[1] "The Pipeline, The Poison, & The Politics." By Tom Luongo, ZeroHedge, 9/5/20.


paul scott said...

Colonel. I am right up to the mark on Immunology and medicine.
There is no question that HCC is both effective against Covid 1984 syndrome.
And as well it is safe, has been used for decades for Malaria.
This alone tells us two alarming things
1. The Medical progression are deeply compromised throughout the entire West, and I knew those before
2. The perpetrators of the si false flag and manufactured bioweapon are perfectly willing and in fact are designed on causing massive economic and psychological chaos int eh world.

The next thing is that the PCR and other tests are virtually useless, were not designed for the purpose and will give positives to any RNA genetic material of the Corona and other groups.
All this is known to everyone with an inkling of knowledge medically.
CDC and other groups admit openly that they have no idea of what or if there is any benefit to testing
It is a program to subject us.
Now how on earth did they manage to coordinate all western Countries and Asian countries into following a blatantly destructive course of action.
Masks are contraindicated in most case. Herd immunity would be the best approach to this now attenuated " syndrome "

There will be more > bioweapon attacks coming.
It is hard to know what to do Most people are utter zombies.
There are maybe ten citizens of New Zealand that know completely about the Al Noor Mosque shooting hoax in Christchurch.
I will send stuff on this later
Best regards to you and your people Paul Scott

paul scott said...

The vaccine will not be a vaccine but will contain an RNA spike to enter cells and instigate various things. The poison will have with it your ID chip, and most likely a fertility action enzyme.
The birthrates in " vaccinated" peoples' families will drop dramatically.
I am amazed at how few people recognise the primary purpose of why this is being inflicted on us.

Paul Scott

Col. B. Bunny said...

I agree completely. The Lancet study was out and out dishonest focusing on dosages that were way too high and not considering either zinc or the antibiotic. HCQ is completely safe at its normal, correct dosage and the big tech toads tried to sell it as some form of strychnine and, along with the medical toads, pushed vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine with this strange apparition at their head of the Maharishi Mahesh Gates. Say who?

As to willingness to destroy, well, amen. It was possible to ferret out the true mortality figures and get to the point where we understood that it was older, compromised individuals who were most in danger. The need for lockdown was pushed when an approach that balanced preservation of life against devastation to the economy. Falling on our sword to save a small fraction, esp. when exposure is guaranteed in a non-totalitarian society, was, however, the course of choice. Ergo, destruction was the goal as a way station to globalist control.

Say what one will about this view of elite destructiveness it's nevertheless a fact that nothing that the elites have done in the last 30 years has been done with the welfare of the people in mind. Only the pipe dreams of the elite mattered. Bomb Serbia? Sure. Destroy Iraq? Sure? Nation building in Afghanistan? Sure. Russia our moral enemy? You bet. Get rid of Assad? Of course. Destroy Ukraine? The American way. War with Iran? A must. Import third-world cousin-fucking, clitoris-excising primitives? The best. Turn our streets over to communist scum? A must.

I don't know the truth of the Al Noor Mosque shooting. It seemed legit but the government hysteria about no video and no discussion was ominous and did nothing to allay speculation.

I share your suspicions about any vaccine. I have no doubt about the elite obsession with population reduction. Whether a vaccine can do all that you suggest I do not know. But the malevolence and the derangement are there without a doubt.