March 3, 2021

Mission accomplished.

The Petty, vain, venal, neurotic, obsessive, corrupt and cowardly denizens of our national political apparatus inherited the greatest concentration of wealth, industry, goodwill, and military power in 6000 years of history and squandered it in a single generation.

They believe themselves superior.[1]

People intend the natural consequences of their acts.

[1] Comment by gcjohns1971 on "'A Tale Told By An Idiot': The Second Impeachment Of Donald Trump." By Martin Sieff, ZeroHedge, 2/21/21.


Kevin Randolph said...

Intteresting thoughts

Col. B. Bunny said...

That particular commenter on ZeroHedge consistently supplies quality thinking.

Charleston Heston captured the same idea in one of his "Planet of the Apes" movies in the scene when he rides up the beach and encounters the Statue of Liberty half submerged in the sea. It takes enormous skill to destroy this great country but the political and intellectual classes have been up to the task.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Charlton . . . .
