They are trying to convince me Americans voted for inflation, recession, war, CRT in our schools, gender fluidity, mutilating children, pedophilia, open borders, masking and vaxxing children, lockdowns, mandates, dead guys, and brain damaged commies. That is not what happened. They just used the exact same methods in the key races in the key states they used in 2020 to steal the elections. Why change if it works?At some point, life in America will become unbearably real, something that now it most clearly is not. Remember the candidate for the Supreme Court who could not define what a woman is? Right now we are still lapping up elite propaganda and we tolerate street-fighting leftist filth who make Hitler's Brown Shirts look like Boy Scouts and prosecutors who live to flood our streets with violent criminals and persecute patriots.In the State of Florida, which implemented rational voting procedures and limited mail-in ballots, Ron DeSantis, who won in 2018 by 32,000 votes over a black, criminal, drug addict, deviant, won re-election by 1.5 million votes last week. After two years of torturing our children, encouraging murder, rape, robbery, and destroying our economy, the Democrats should have experienced massive losses in the mid-terms.
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The mail-in ballot scam used in 2020 due to the “Covid emergency” was kept in place, even though there is no emergency, because that is how Democrats can guarantee victory forever. . . .
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Those in control of this entire rigged system, including republicans like McConnell and Graham, don’t want anything to change, as they enrich themselves and their globalist benefactors no matter who is elected/selected. . . .
The globalists calling the shots want you demoralized, indebted, fearful, freezing, starving, and angry at each other, as they methodically implement their Great Reset agenda without fear of retribution or even comprehension of what their diabolical scheme entails. . . .
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The 2023 recession will trigger much higher unemployment and crashing stock, real estate, and bond markets. . . . This absurd woke agenda of glorifying deviancy and abnormality will fall by the wayside as people will be forced to worry about survival as opposed to this trivial nonsense.
But the iron laws of arithmetic, inflation, and fossil energy cannot be ignored forever and a hostile political class cannot forever lie (1) that we live under constitutional government and not an oligarchic plutocracy and (2) that they have even the most basic interests of the Nation or its people in mind. Points one and two are absurd distortions.
Film at 11.
"Quinn: You Can't Escape The Fourth Turning's Winter Of Death." By Jim Quinn, ZeroHedge, 11/16/22.
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