June 11, 2006

The backwardness of Col. Bunny.

Is it just us, or does a Hindu woman marrying a snake strike anyone else as a bit odd?

The Colonel gets positively hostile if anyone accuses him of not seeing the intrinsic worth of every human being on the planet. One risks physical assault by Col. Bunny should he (or she) be so unwise as to suggest that white westerners are not the cause of the world's post-colonial ills or that Muslims were the greatest imperialists of all time, including even the Hungs, Romans, Greeks, Mongrels, and Soviets.

But aren't this woman -- and the 2,000 guests who attended her wedding -- giving multiculturalism a bad name? Earlier in 2006, a girl was married off in Bhubaneswar, the groom being a dog in this instance. Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to go there, marrying Rover, I mean, instead of Calvin the Cobra?

Now don't get us wrong. All beliefs are valid and this woman is most assuredly just a lovely creature, which we know just by virtue of her being a human being. Make no mistake.

But . . ., be honest, is this the time to present this alternative cultural experience to the world? Wouldn't it be better to, well, hold off on this kind of gutsy boundary pushing until narrow minded people are in a more receptive frame of mind?

We are, you know, right smack in the midst of getting used to buggery as a sacrament just now and frankly we need a bit more time to cast aside our loathsome prejudices.

"Charmed woman marries cobra in India." WorldWide Religious News, 6/2/06 <-- FoxNews.

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