June 17, 2006

Racism in Congress.

Baron Bodissey has some classic comments on racism in Congress:

But because the man [Rep. William Jefferson, Dem.-La.] is black, he could be photographed standing on the Capitol steps receiving a laundry basket full of $100 bills from Atiku Abubakar, and any question of the propriety of the transaction would be denounced as “racism”.

Here the Baron helps further to defang the charge of "racism" and to keep the eye on the ball: actual performance compared to objective standards of excellence.

What is the "Congressional Black Caucus" anyway? (Our emphasis.) Were there to be a "White Congressional Caucus" on the Hill it would be as the heavens had turned bright green with purple bolts of lightning striking the Capitol Dome.

"A Different Standard, Indeed." By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 6/16/06.

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