October 18, 2008

If he's The Great Uniter then this blog is read in European capitols.

Melanie Phillips provides a reality check at this late stage in the game, mentioning reports of Mr. Obama’s rejection of “integrationist assimilation” and his writing that black churches could be used “to channel black rage more effectively into political organization.”

Ergo, Obama’s putrescent Trinity United Church of Christ was the lode star of his plans for Illinois, and his 20-year stint in its pews was, as lawyers sometimes say, knowing, purposeful, and intentional. He heard the charges that the white America developed the AIDS virus to destroy blacks and never dropped a stitch from his knitting.

As Zorba might say, consider the "full catastrophe":
You have to pinch yourself – a Marxisant radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshipped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.
Bottom line of bottom lines: Obama is steeped in black radicalism and black rejectionism.

This man is no uniter. We’re going to get black rage and reparations on the half shell. And we are going to get a dose of hope, that’s for sure. The only question I have about that campaign centerpiece of his is, “Whose hopes are we talking about?”

God help us.

"Pinch yourself." By Melanie Phillips, Spectator.uk.com, 10/14/08.


The Local Malcontent said...

"Black rage and reparations" will only be the 'half' of it, Colonel, I fear.

The distance between the U.S. and traditional allies will become greater and greater, as the Obama administration warms to Arab and Muslim states, rather than Israel, and developed countries worldwide will see an unprecidented drop on stock exchanges, as Obama's nutty economic plans destroy business here.
While I can't say we're going to be another Kenya, where George Obama lives, this nation may become another France or Algeria.
At least for two years, until the electorate comes to its senses and votes the whole socialistic bunch out (if we can still vote, in 2 years).

Col. B. Bunny said...

You may have foretold the future, LM. I get the chills thinking about Iran's getting nukes and about our (US, West) fecklessness in preventing that.

Now, the unthinkable is a real possibility -- US government, military, and fed. law enforcement under the control of the most far left politician ever in our history with shallow roots in our soil and tepid allegiance to our founding principles.

I maintain that we are in a period of profound intellectual confusion. The insanity of socialism, multiculturalism, uncontrolled immigration, surrendering to local Muslim malcontents, and restriction of free speech take root and grow behind a shield and upon a foundation created by people with sense and decency. Americans think that that sanity is eternal and that no amount of tinkering (funded by borrowing from foreigners) or subversion will ever bring us to any kind of tipping point. It can't happen here is the underlying assumption of the moon calves among us. But they don't see the danger of handing power to the government and turning away from private action and the free market. Like Europe, we do not have an infinite capacity to absorb mistakes and reverse course. How to get rid of incompatible and hostile Islam from Europe? How to take back power given to the bureaucrats?