December 11, 2008

Ethnic outreach – sacrament or outrage. Depending.

Elizabeth Wright articulates the racial double standard abroad in the land:
Political analyst Paul Begala is right in his observation that his Democratic party cannot win the presidency "with just eggheads and African-Americans." However, in this uniquely American race circus, such indisputably true insights are forbidden. In this country, in every election, demographics are scrutinized, with emphasis often being placed on the importance of the "ethnic" vote. Politicians brazenly fall all over one another to reach out to blacks and Hispanics for support. To reach out in a similar way for white support, however, is to engage in the evil "southern strategy," for which Ronald Reagan has never been forgiven.
"Stung by the word 'white'." By Elizabeth Wright, Issues and Views, 5/13/08.

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