February 15, 2009

Wife beating. Muslim sacrament.

Henry VIII call your office:
The Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences has determined that over ninety percent of Pakistani wives have been struck, beaten, or abused sexually — for offenses on the order of cooking an unsatisfactory meal. Others were punished for failing to give birth to a male child. Dominating their women by violence is a prerogative Muslim men cling to tenaciously. In Spring 2005, when the East African nation of Chad tried to institute a new family law that would outlaw wife beating, Muslim clerics led resistance to the measure as un-Islamic.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for enlightened Islamic opinion to step up with a condemnation of the Chadian imams. Sooner expect the Pope to come out against the concept of Immaculate Conception.

To Muslims, wife abuse is holy writ. How else to explain the over 90% statistic above?

"Friends of moderate Muslim leader who beheaded his wife: he's a terrific guy, he must have just, er, lost his head." By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, 2/14/09.

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