April 20, 2009

The Obama/Clinton gun lie.

The oft-asserted claim by Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton that 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the U.S. is a demonstrable lie.[1]

This excerpt from a Washington Times editorial lays bare the true objective of the dishonest use of this 90% datum:
One of the root causes of corruption is low pay. Mexican police earn $460 a month, sometimes less, which makes bribes hard to resist. There are about 350,000 policemen in Mexico. The $400 million Mr. Obama has promised for his anti-gun program could raise the annual salary of every Mexican cop by $1,143, a 21 percent increase. But the president wouldn't be interested in that because his real agenda is to pursue gun control here at home.[2]
And here’s some real common sense on the issue:
The Mexican drug cartels gross an estimated $40 billion annually. They don't need to scour roadside American gun shows for their weapons. Neither do American politicians or the media need to fudge the numbers — unless this is preparing the way to stricter gun control.

After all, as someone once said, never waste a good crisis.[3]
[1] "The Guns Of Calderon." Investor's Business Daily, 4/17/09.
[2] "Obama’s gun lies." Washington Times, 4/20/09.
[3] "The Guns Of Calderon." Op. cit.

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