West in particular emphasizes that Soviet penetration of American government was much more than plain-vanilla espionage, namely, recruitment of agents, theft of documents, photographing coastlines (one of Frank Marshall Davis’s pastimes), disguises, and too-willing beauties. No. It involved placing agents in a position where they could influence policy. Think Alger Hiss, committed communist and principal adviser to Roosevelt at Yalta, to grasp the potential for grave damage to American and European post-war interests.
Ron Unz highlights a close call that we had in the foreign influence department. It was only sheer dumb luck that FDR did not die just a little bit earlier than he did:
In the wake of the Venona Papers, publicly released a quarter century ago and today accepted by almost everyone, it seems undeniable that during the early 1940s America’s national government came within a hairsbreadth—or rather a heartbeat—of falling under the control of a tight network of Soviet agents. Yet I have only very rarely seen this simple fact emphasized in any book or article, even though this surely helps explain the ideological roots of the “anti-Communist paranoia” that became such a powerful political force by the early 1950s.[1]He's talking about Henry Wallace.
Unz undertook in his essay to examine modern American history with fresh eyes and came up with a fascinating essay that I commend to you. The untimely and suspicious deaths that he lists and his thoughts on how it was that Wendell Wilkie became the Republican nominee in 1940 are startling and should start your mental wheels spinning for a good long while. That's not the half of it. Read that amazing Unz essay.
Claude Polin in his May 10 article in Chronicles, "Impossible Dreams: The West’s Undying Love Affair With Marx," does a good job of explaining why it is that even now Marxism resonates so with Westerners despite the communist horrors of the last century. In short, in the 16th century Westerners came to believe that they could be set free of the restraints and limits of life by means of science and commerce and could, when you get right down to it, be “like gods.” Marx’s promise that under communism man can do as he wishes from one moment to another free of control of any other man was just a variation on this belief and it resonated strongly, regardless of how stupid it was. Western people lost touch with reality, with life as something that man really cannot control. The idea of limits became an affront, a manifestation of an opposing, malevolent political force -- capitalism, white people.
Since the New Deal, and even before, America’s been a gigantic exercise in trying to avoid the realities of biology, human nature, and arithmetic as the fanatic attack on marriage, the fanatic nurturing of a black underclass and fatherless homes, social fantasies of female ninja warriors and “strong” women commanding armored divisions, soaring inflation, trade imbalances, unemployment, student debt, evaporating pension schemes, crushing debt service, meaningless borders and sovereignty, and perverted culture attest.
There is now crippling rot at the top due to the infestation of foreign operatives (though Russian influence is the least of our worries) and, to put it mildly, foreign ideas antithetical to our once-constitutional order that are blithely embraced by the treason class. Poisonous phenomena are not destroyed but encouraged.
There is also rot at the bottom as that treason class has successfully elected a new people and flooded white America with every race on the planet except more white people. These new, unassimilable, hostile races and cultural groups are not infested with communist and socialist ideas per se – though not a few are – but they are a destructive presence nonetheless since they come from societies that are complete strangers to our institutions developed over centuries of trial and error, and a lot of the latter.
So what happened to America was that we dealt ineffectively with active subversion and treason at the top – the truth teller McCarthy was viciously attacked like some hideous infection -- and we have casually imported at the bottom millions of foreigners who do not understand or care about our legal and social institutions. Supposedly waving a wand labeled “multiculturalism” generally in the direction of the southern border every morning will work some kind of magic on the invaders who stroll across it. Indifference, hostility, and parasitic intent will thereby be transformed into ardent allegiance to the true America and new arrivals will not add to the cold stew that America has become pursuant to a recipe controlled by fools and traitors. Long gone are the days that immigrants were only legal immigrants and arrived with a passionate desire to understand American values and traditions and conform to them.
America, in short, for all its wonderful aspects, in the end proved unable to defend itself against foreign influence and destruction. Foreigners flood the country and the country has been destroyed. There’s no lipstick on that pig that will change that reality. Dissolution of the U.S. is the best we can hope for; bloody internal strife, the worst.
[1] "American Pravda: Our Deadly World of Post-War Politics." By Ron Unz, The Unz Review, 7/2/18.
Edit: Text added to Bolshevik poster 7/3/18.
"our legal and social institutions"
Well, the cloud people's legal and social institutions, anyway. It's a bit silly to talk as if they belong to the dirt people. Look for example at what is happening with the Internet.
All institutions, however wonderful they were at their founding, eventually morph into something else, as noted by Pournelle's "Iron Law of Bureaucracy".
I agree that the Cloud People have devised a bastardized, hefalump of a "republic" that is unreachable by citizens and resembling the original federal concept in the way that a duck resembles an F-22. The federal government was intended to have specific, limited powers and all other power was left in the states. As you well know. So when all is said and done we have a totalitarian federal government, a castrated Congress, a federal judicial tyranny, and a lickspittle press. One dollar, one vote is the basic principle that drives everything.
At the state level, I have seen the legal system up close and state law and citizen values still play a big part in it. Traditional culture is still strong and deviant agendas are tolerated.
The Cloud People are too clever by half and think that they destined to call the shots forever, but they do not appreciate how much legitimacy depends upon citizen assent. I myself have morphed from a committed cold warrior convinced of the righteousness of our role in the world to one horrified by the lies and waste that are such integral parts of what we do in the world. Government at all levels seems determined to NOT focus on simple public order. Miss a child support payment or piss off some cow and your life becomes hell. Take a tire iron to some patriot's head as part of an Antifa mob and you're good to go. Government indifference. As Trump would say (while doing not a damn thing), "very bad." This seems very new to me, though tolerance of black crime has had a long run.
But either way, illegals and even legal Muslims don't give a damn about either set of institutions or values and will support what gives them free stuff or allows them to build political power.
I miss Pournelle, as I do Lawrence Auster. Remus with his Woodpile Report has a similar eclectic mind and quirky (i.e., accurate) view of the world. John Derbyshire and Mark Steyn are up there as well. Heck, Ron Unz is on a rampage these days, insisting that we take a fresh look at the holy verities of the last 150 years.
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