Correspondent Jim B. summarized historian Arnold Toynbee's study of the rise and fall of civilizations: "Civilizations fail when their elites change from an admired dynamic creative class to a despised Establishment of corrupt rentiers, an entrenched governing class unfit to govern."[1]And guess what’s happening to our civilization.
[1] "Here’s how we ended up with predatory, parasitic elites." By Smith, Charles Hugh Smith, ZeroHedge, 8/28/18 (formatting removed).
Yes>> Britain, France, Germany, USA, Australia, Belgium, Sweden, Netherlands, Canada possibly, maybe an aberration there, others I don't know, New Zealand soon.
East Europe come to the rescue, please .
Europe got sold a bill of goods, not that anyone objected. Read accounts of the founding of the E.U., or subsequent descriptions of what it's all about. It's filthy nationalism that caused all the world's problems, therefore, do away with it. The E. Europeans, fortunately, understand that it's nationalism that's the guarantor of survival. To the progressives, one-worlders, and globalists, nationalism is what interferes with their plans for domination. Thus their incessant demonization of it and sanctification of ALL the world that lives on the other side of national borders of healthy countries.
I don't see Canada as any kind of island of sanity. Their obsession with hate speech and sick policy of rampant immigration mark them as fools.
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