August 30, 2018

Low down on Down Under.

Here’s an excellent short take on what the heck is going on in Australia and what the left wants in general: "And another one bites the dust." Jim’s Blog, August 25, 2018


paul scott said...

The liberals in Australia are cucks like the Conservatives in Britain.
Half of the parliament is made of foreigners who have taken Australia citizenship.
The ocker citizens themselves are powerless sheep as New Zealanders are, overrun by obscene left-wing political correctness invading entirely through the Lib party.
Australians realise the Labour party is worse.
They hate what politics is there, and that Government had a chance to elect Dutton [ Abbott like ] and failed yet again.
Australia was once the lucky country and New Zealand God's own >> those epithets are now nonsense, lost entirely by progressive elitist politics.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Trying to get a handle on the political factionalism and issues of foreign countries is a daunting task. It makes the "Russian meddling" hysteria that much more ludicrous when I consider (1) who stands for what in foreign politics and (2) what I could do to effect certain victories for my favored guy. Granted, there are expert observers and analysts who examine other countries but are they really reliable prophets of which way voters will jump in Russia? The CIA after all were caught by surprise with the USSR collapsified.

Exactly what was the ginormous difference between Trump and Clinton that warranted a (supposed) interference on the part of the Russians? Trump arguably wanted to beef up the US military which should be of concern to any Russian leader so why does it make sense that Trump was their man?

Back to Australia and Europe and here on immigration. Commenters invariably pull at all the threads and then say "It's a mystery, boys. We just can't figure out why this is happening." Except, if you look at who the major proponents of mass immigration are in the West it's organized Jewry. Barbara Lerner Spectre spilled the beans in Sweden and every major Jewish organization in the U.S. relentlessly presses for open borders. AJC, ADL, ACLU, NLG, and the HIAS pursue them. Saban, Adelson, and Gelbaum want exactly what is anathema to Israel, viz. open borders. Ben Wattenberg swooned with joy when he said “The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendent quality." What a miserable, vicious prick he turned out to be.

Kevin MacDonald has written in detail of incessant Jewish pushing and pushing the elimination of the national origin quotas of the 1924 (?) immigration law. Entirely a Jewish agenda item. Now look what we have. A flood of non-European, non-white immigrants from the third world. Whom did that benefit in the US except people with a destructive agenda that was out of this world?

This is a bizarre agenda, meaning as it does that Western nations are being flooded with Muslims who, last I heard, have no love for Jews. But I think it's precisely THIS force that is behind this massive and psychotic transformation of the West. Normal people like Dutton, I presume, are sidelined and patriots who care about their own people are sidelined.

Your mileage may differ on this issue but I am sick of the "Gee, I just can't figure out where this is coming from" or "Everyone's just lost their minds for some strange unknown reason" mantras when it's easy to see that there is an organized group commanding immense wealth who have a very clear agenda to destroy the West. Organized Jewry and their many, many fellow travelers are being too clever by half but they will pay for their shortsightedness when they discover that Muslims have no intention of being any kind of junior partner to Jewish elites.