August 3, 2018

Underlying Brexit.

It would be a fundamental error however to see May as the cause of what practically everyone in Britain now agrees is a debacle. If May were the only problem, there would be no problem getting rid of her and replacing her with someone else. The fact that May is still there despite her all too obvious flaws and failures illustrates the underlying point: the problem is not May; it is Britain’s entire political class.

A proper response to the Brexit vote would have recognised that whatever it was, it was a rejection of the status quo, which has obviously become intolerable to much of the British public. Any response to the Brexit vote, which – like May’s plan – seeks to preserve the status quo, is therefore by definition flawed.[1]

This is a most interesting look at current British political realities. “Lost” is a word that comes to mind. Corbyn seems to have a certain integrity but he promises a return to pre-Thacher socialist tinkering and rot and Britain no more needs his nostrums than Theresa’s. The comments are an essential balance to a certain blindness on the part of Mr. Mercouris.

[1] "Lost In A Brexit Maze: Baffled Political Class Dreads The Prospect Of Jeremy Corbyn." By Alexander Mercouris, ZeroHedge, 8/3/18 (emphasis added).


paul scott said...

This not about Brexit and the traitorous UK Government
Our friend Uncle Remus, Appalachian hero and icon, like you great at seeing reality, and an individual character has quoted you >>
Colonel Bunny says:
" It’s a rare Western government that can be seen to be looking out for the interests of its citizens. African males crawl over barbed wire fences to get into Spain but authorities do not forthwith show them to the nearest exit at gunpoint. No. They not only do nothing to prevent their entry but treat every foot on Spanish soil as the signal for all manner of legal and economic rights to descend upon these primitives."

Col. B. Bunny said...

If Remus quotes me it can only be further evidence of his high intellect. :-)

I always appreciate it when he does. When my numbers on this blog sky rocket on Tuesday I know he's quoted me on something.