November 10, 2018

Highlighting “The Narrative.”

The leftist “Narrative” is, like the Hydra, a creature with many heads. The left and the Establishment in general have proved to be remarkably agile in recent times, able to flood the airwaves with some new iteration of leftist lunacy or elite subversion on a moment's notice. One fellow observed on talk radio recently said he noticed that with the attention Trump has focused on tariffs all of a sudden there was a spate of stories about Americans who are or would be negatively affected by tariffs. And that's a mild example.

Another vital chapter in The Narrative is the necessity to portray National Socialism as “right-wing” with the corollary that “fascism” is similarly “right-wing.” This serves to draw attention away from the leftist nature of National Socialism, which feature can easily be inferred from the presence of the word “socialism” in the term “National Socialism.” Keep up. I know this is hard. (Insert smiley face here.)

The E.U. and its contemptible proponents over the years similarly chose to air brush out the “socialist” part and focus on the “national” part, causing them to – dishonestly -- ascribe all the ills of the mid 20th century to “nationalism.” (If that isn’t a split infinitive I don’t know what one is.) Never mind that the chief spot of bother up to and roaring past 1945 was, would you believe, totalitarian political power, which National Socialist Germany wielded for 12 years from and after 1932. One of many such governments it turns out, thank you very much. Others being the U.S.S.R. (70 years), the Peoples Republic of China (69 years and counting), North Korea (73 years), Kampuchea (five years), and Albania, Yugoslavia, and assorted E. European countries until 1989. But this aspect of the Narrative happily allowed the Treason Class to keep the Hubble Political Telescope focus OFF of the abuses and stupidities of socialism and the sainted Dictatorship of the Proletarian. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along now.

It’s nothing less than astonishing that the E.U. rats have, in the face of the ghastly record of totalitarian Germany and world communist states, managed to establish in the heart of Europe a supranational organization with tentacles in every town and village and whose basic governmental structure makes a mockery of representative government.[1] The “solution” to “nationalism” was, in fact, an authoritarian supranational government that was in a couple of cases jammed down the throat of nations that rejected the E.U. in referendums by end runs around such expressions of the popular will using the treaty mechanism.

If the authoritarian nature of the E.U. is still shrouded in mystery then consider that “the ideological father of the European Community is a little-known Trotskyite postulating the destruction of nation states and of private property.” That greasy little commie was named Altiero Spinelli and, wait for it, his name is inscribed over the main entrance to the European Parliament.[2] Read the article in that footnote and put away all childish notions that the E.U. rats were at all concerned with “nationalism.”

Other Narratives are that white culture is corrupt down to its Chinese tennis shoes and riven with racism and homicidal intentions to dark-skinned peoples whom they have wronged irreparably by bringing clean water, rational laws, public sanitation, and antiseptic medical practices to their doorsteps.

Too, keep constantly in mind that white Christians are bursting with barely concealed anti-Semitism which will burst into a billowing orange ball of uncontrollable desire to revive the concentration camps and get down to some serious business, all certain to be triggered by the mere mention of the word “AIPAC.”

Also, precious snowflakes in our midst under 40 are irreparably damaged by mere mention of the words “Constitution” and “criminal prosecution of AntiFa scum.” They simply no longer have the intestinal fortitude and intellectual resilience to deal with words they find displeasing, not to mention real-life problems like finding parking spaces and shaving their scraggle beards. The men have difficulty shaving too.

Speaking of the Constitution, the Narrative declares that it’s a “living” one and that, consequently, laws are a rubbery sort of thing, best left to leftist judges to interpret for you, you being a member of a “nation of immigrants” and a “propositional nation.” I’m not sure what the proposition is but I think it has something to do with the sanctity of abortion, lunatic feminism, or the horror of free speech.

Borders are instruments of white devils everywhere, black movie characters are either computer geniuses of avuncular, wise men such as Morgan Freeman. Nelson Mandela (communist terrorist) was also a kind and avuncular black man. White men in movies are wimps or conniving businessmen, blacks are formidable warriors, and young white women are ass-kicking ninja warriors. Homosexuals make great parents, Christians are bigots and hypocrites, and interracial couples are as common and unremarkable as Blue Light Specials at K Mart. People from the Third World have great wisdom to impart and, . . . well, you get the point.

I do want to point out an excellent insight into one of the most firmly-established Narratives of all time in the U.S. That is that Sen. Joseph McCarthy engaged in an unseemly and vicious campaign to defame innocent communists who only wanted to turn America into a carbon copy of the murderous Soviet Union diplomats, poets, writers, and nursing mothers. This part of the Narrative has been electroplated, Gorilla Glued, and clear coated into the MSM fantasy about America the Awful. Only problem being it just ain’t so.

M. Stanton Evans has the complete story on that but Diana West’s take on this is just excellent. Her article, referenced below, delves further into a long-standing battle David Horowitz and Ron Radosh fought with her over the scholarly worth of West’s book American Betrayal. I’ll not attempt to go into that as it’s quite involved but that’s a bit of what’s behind her quoting or mentioning Horowitz and Radosh:

H. [Horowtiwz] sums up:
But not [common sense] for Radosh, a Never Trumper who has gone over to the other side of the political divide to join a disgraceful lynch party in its attempt to destroy a decent and good man in Ron DeSantis. For Radosh, the ends now apparently justify the means. Once known as a critic of Joseph McCarthy, Radosh’s hatred of Trump has caused him to join a witch-hunt that dwarfs anything McCarthy ever attempted.
On second thought, it's worse than dumb. Implicit in Horowitz's [culminating] statement is the age-old calumny: that McCarthy engaged in a "witch-hunt" -- a hunt for something that was not there, when, in fact, Communists were there by the score, if not by the hundred, or more. Certainly now, more than a decade after the publication of Blacklisted by History, M. Stanton Evans' masterful, revisionist biography of McCarthy, how can a serious anti-Communists still view such agit prop as anything but the 1950s fulcrum of the Communist Left's original will to power? Destroy, demoralize, isolate the anti-Communist opposition, and the Revolution will triumph.[3]
“[I]n fact, Communists were there by the score, if not by the hundred, or more” is the takeaway line from that and compare and contrast with the Sacred Narrative that McCarthy was wrong and indecent. And, as she correctly states, that vicious leftist attack on McCarthy was “the 1950s fulcrum of the Communist Left's original will to power.” Ever since then, the communists, the Cultural Marxists, and the Maoists, and the Treason Class have driven long-overdue inquiry into the extent of the communist takeover of America from the public square.

If that seems too much for your delicate sensibilities, read the part above about whose name is inscribed on the E.U. Parliament building. And consider how baying hounds of the Treason Class instantly breathed life into “the Resistance,” the “Trump the Vulgarian” filth, the “Russian collusion” fairy tale, the “Me Too” conniption, and the “Kavanaugh the Gang Rapist” disgrace.

Well, be on the lookout for all manifestations of the Narrative. They’re quite insidious and they presage nothing good for common decency or the survival of white, European nations.

[1] For example, the members of the E.U. Commission and its president are appointed, not elected by the people of the nations of the E.U. The European Council (basically the heads of state of the member nations) “defines the EU's policy agenda and strategies.” The European Parliament, whose members are elected by voters, “shares with the Council of the EU equal legislative powers to amend, approve or reject Commission proposals for most areas of EU legislation” but it does not have the power to propose legislation of its own.
[2] "Altiero Spinelli and the Communist Origins of the European Union." By Baron Boddisey (highlighting Krzysztof Zwolinski), Gates of Vienna, 11/3/18.
[3] "The Phony War?" By Diana West, DianaWest, 11/5/18.

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