November 17, 2018

Pearls of expression.

Lots of good photography tips from Nigel Danson on YouTube.[1]
Comment on Danson’s tips by Paul Weedon:
My photography became instantly better when i took the Lens cap off.
Reply by p0rt0b0y:
I experienced the opposite. :-)
[1] "7 SIMPLE photography TIPS I wish I knew EARLIER." By Nigel Danson, YouTube, 7/8/18.


paul scott said...

If the lens cap is a glass-bottomed milk bottle the effects are quite good, but those black things with Sony emblazoned on them are no use at all.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Ha. I recently took pictures of a wedding rehearsal but the day of the wedding forgot my spare battery. Fortunately, I wasn't the official photographer.

paul scott said...

Or the SD chip, OMG I left it in the charger. Over time I learned to physically tick off the checklist.
Now I just watched a good video on the entire Rusiagate fake and the entire team involved including Mueller and Rosenstein. It's by Dan Bongino, no relation to Obongo >>
about half an hour, the serious stuff starts about 7 minutes in.