November 15, 2018

Strain at a Gnat, Swallow a Camel Department.

As the U.S. public, politicians and media once again struggle to identify the motives of yet another psychopath murdering his fellow citizens in a pointless act of violence, they all fail to identify the exact behavior perpetrated by the nation as a whole, on the citizens of so many other nations. Americans lose no sleep over the murderous, psychopathic behavior of their government, yet are frozen in apoplexy and incredulity when a handful of innocent American citizens fall victim to the immoral and deranged actions of one of their own. If the United States government sets the example for its citizenry by murdering 8,000 civilians in Raqqa, or by freely providing weapons to regimes that target school buses and play grounds in Yemen, is it really any surprise that this evil and deranged behavior has taken root within the U.S. society itself?
"Why do Americans struggle to understand mass shootings, yet fail to question the violent role of their nation in the greater global community?" By Brian Kalman, South Front, 11/11/18 (?).


paul scott said...

It's shocking and at first almost unbelievable.
t was on this, your site Colonel where I started to find out about Syria, so thanks, because we need to know reality from fiction.

Col. B. Bunny said...

I'm glad I played a part in opening any window on Syria, Paul. My understanding is vestigial in my opinion but any effort by any person to try to get a handle on what goes on there will expose him to the worst aspects of our official approach to the world. The hegemony deal is a complete mystery to me and yet, per the passage I quoted, we think nothing of policies and actions that are deadly and hugely destructive to millions. In fact, look for a new post about Virginia state senator Black on America's blithe pursuit of policies in Syria that in the case of Libya and Kosovo left those places in the hands of jihadis and KLA gangsters. Libya descended into chaos. It was absolutely clear that the U.S. and France, et al., had no clue who or what would replace Gaddafi, a pretty good guy of late in this imperfect world. None. But that didn't stop them from charging ahead blindly. Who the heck are these people?

Be sure to check out the blogs at the top of my sidebar dealing with Syria for really great commentary.