We must therefore stop believing that Russia is a continuation of the USSR. Who has the greatest ideological similarity with the USSR (plus the economic prosperity) is Western Europe.This is another way of describing what I’ve called the broken link between government and people. Earlier in his article, Mr. Blot earlier writes thatIn the US, Ms Clinton is the best representative of this new totalitarianism wide-spread among the ruling elites in their fight against Trump.[1]
a new type of USSR has emerged, however based on the ideological dictatorship of a market economy dominated by oligarchs.He says this is new U.S.S.R. is today’s NATO but I think that he uses NATO and Western Europe to mean the same thing. He also writes that “[t]he EU Commission is a kind of supreme bureaucratic Soviet, without any popular control . . .” so either one or all of these reflect this new totatitarianism.
Obviously, it’s not accurate to say that a “market economy” can exercise any kind of a dictatorship. Thus, I think he means that “oligarchs,” presumably the ultra rich, rule for whatever reason by means of a Wild West “market economy” which lately is vaguely and duplicitously described as “neo-liberalism.” It’s the term du jour meaning something incredibly vague but probably a dog-eat-dog economic order that preys on old ladies with cancer and soulful illegal immigrants innocently seeking a better life, A/K/A “capitalism.” “Capitalism” here means capitalism stripped of the protection of Glass-Steagall, unregulated banks, insane use of derivatives, a blind eye turned to high-frequency trading, crony capitalism, non-enforcement of antitrust laws, and total control of politics at all levels by the insanely rich.
So, a little more precision is called for. A “market economy” or “free markets” mean to conservatives economic life governed by competition, freedom to innovate, risk taking, cooperation between enterprises and numerous small investors, AND a functioning legal system to maintain the integrity of the market by punishing fraud and unfair competition and enforcing contracts freely entered into. This is what capitalism is about and the main point about it is that it functions within a system of “ordered” liberty. That is, there are rational people who understand that stronger, more well-financed, larger entities can game an excellent system to their advantage to the point that their dominant position replaces efficiency and rational risk taking as the determinant of success.
But this view of capitalism is anathema to the left that dishonestly attempts to ascribe to “capitalism” all the ills that unscrupulous actors can devise when left to their own devices. Derivatives? “Capitalism”! Near total monopoly in media? “Capitalism”! Bernie Madoff? “Capitalism”! Campaign contributions? “Capitalism”!
However, the above is but a detour from Blot’s point, namely, the rise of a new U.S.S.R. His “oligarchs” and “market econcomy” point is too vague. Nothing about a market economy requires mass importation of savages and parasites and, no, under a regime of mass immigration business doesn’t acquire workers who’ll work for less and thus enable the maximization of profits by squeezing the locals. The immigrants don’t work and remain welfare dependent into the second and third generations, not to mention their contribution to extreme social pathology and well-financed subversion.
No. Something more is at work. Barbara Lerner Spectre illuminates the unique Jewish determination to inundate white societies with third-world primitives and hostiles but it’s more than that as (1) the E.U.’s Frans Timmermans, of diversity is the destiny of mankind fame, and (2) that now gloriously late, lying sack Peter Sutherland, last United Nations special representative for international migration, make abundantly clear.
This has nothing to do with economics but reflects an agenda of vicious destruction that an ordinary person of good will simply cannot understand. It cannot be understood as political decisions honestly taken. These are simply not decisions based on conclusions about human existence arrived at by honest analysis of our problems on the part of men of good will and understanding.
Globalism is frequently posited as what underlies this but it isn’t that. Think Frankfurt School an the lunatic, satanic left’s desire to destroy, destroy, destroy. If workers won’t rise up against the old regime then let there be rot propagated from within.
As with the U.S. and French attack on Libya and Syria, the cultural Marxist leftists extremists have no clue about what life will be life if they achieve their goals. Presumably, they assume that civic-minded, compassionate luminous beings will at last govern unruly and disreputable low-minded, greed-obsessed, cretins in the right fashion and allow people like themselves to live as their innate decency and intelligence require, crying rooms and correct pronouns galore.
[1] "The NATO Wall." By Yvan Blot, Current Concerns, 11/12/18, p. 12.
Edited, image added 12/18/18.
On a small, scale without even the UN dictat total we would have small famers markets or single person markets in New Zealand closed down because >>
Well you see there are regulations and if that cabbage hasn't been inside a plastic bag for a couple of weeks it will poison you >> and things like that.
We're not allowed to buy and sell on fundamentally straight forward trading terms.
Overseas I hear small people closed out because of the byzantine regulations of the UN. and EU.
We were just informed the other day that New Zealand will ratify the orderly take over of New Zealand by migration and Chinese infiltration.
Now you say >> Figure out where this lunatic thinking comes from and we’re way down the road to understanding how to reverse our mad, but determined, course to civilizational destruction.
Well I am sure about where the lunatic thinking and action comes from, and the road to reverse it requires thousands of people llke you and me Colonel. Which there are. But it will also take action which will result in many of us being killed. And there is no other way but revolution and all that that entails.
The West is a dead man walking. Survival as it was is not possible with half of the population believing fairy tales and patent lies.
Alcoholics are capable of incredible insight IF they hit a wall AND they follow the 12 steps to gain insight on a better way of living. We haven't hit that wall as a civilization yet but we are close. Even so, there is precisely NO self-examination let alone insight on the part of the left. They think that nurturing leftist street thuggery has no downside.
The elites failed to understand or protect our civilization. They themselves are clueless and we've been inundated by a plague of third-world types who despise everything about us. Swine like those at that link need to be forced back to the countries where their hearts lie. Failure to do that just affirms the Western wish to die.
Interesting you refer to alcoholism. I spent much of my life under the cloud from my early twenties until three years ago. That's over 40 years of industrial level of alcohol consumption except for a ten year period when I made up for it with dope.
During that time I had a successful career as a Veterinarian and I brought up a daughter.
I went to AA and then I came home to drink.
A friend intervened as I was getting close to the never ever.
After an entire life of it a rehab program saw me on the way to recovery.
What I noticed in recovery is that man has a spirit, a soul, and an inner force that can be lost with bad and false living.
My nihilism and cynicism went away and I got better at everything.
It was more than that , it was the equivalent of being born again.
That sounds like it was a rough road but amazing you were able to function so well otherwise.
A g/f in AA and other drunk friends left me with much greater understanding of human nature and moral courage than before. Solzhenitsyn said his mind was a jumble of miscellaneous info (paraphrase) but that the fire of the camps burned off the dross leaving Christianity behind. Depression was a similar searing experience for me though a lesser punishment of, say, a thousand lashes, would probably have achieved the same result.
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