January 23, 2019

Adam Carolla on white privilege.

Here are some outstanding comments on that YouTube page:


I am a black man and thank god every day I am in this country. I have served in the military and been all over the world. People who are always complaining do not realize how good we have it here.


I'm a hispanic male born in the 1960's and I have never suffered any negative set backs in my life that weren't my own fault. All or most of my teachers were white and they all did their best to help me get ahead. In fact, the only reason I'm able to sit here and type these words is because my white teachers taught me how to do it. The notion that whites are trying to keep others down while they alone advance is a lie that will do nothing positive at all for anyone especially not this great country.

Me Me

My white privilege alarm goes off at 4:30 in the morning.


I am PROUD to be black" said the black man. "I am PROUD to be hispanic" said the hispanic man. "I am PROUD to be white" said the racist.


paul scott said...

An excellent talk, and ends with the blanket assertion that there in no acceptable argument against the utter mindless zombie privilege attitude.
By the way have a look at the New York Times picture of Roger Stone being arrested by some FBI characters fresh out of the jungle.

Col. B. Bunny said...

That was an absurd event in a process that is itself absurd. I always like to ask in committees or about public events, What problem are we trying to solve? Millions have been spent to punish "crimes" that are insignificant in the scheme of things. When Antifa filth can operate freely and the First Amendment can be trashed at will, it's absurd to see Mueller and the whole government chasing their tails for nothing. Border wide open but, hey, let's crucify those guys who made some false statements!