January 16, 2019

And the real agenda is . . . ?

Moreover, climate computer model forecasts are completely out of touch with real-world observations. There is no evidence to support claims that the slight temperature, climate and weather changes we’ve experienced are dangerous, unprecedented or caused by humans, instead of by the powerful solar, oceanic and other natural forces that have driven similar or far more serious changes throughout history.[1]
The word “slight” above is key. Annual global temperature (inclusive of El Niňo and La Niňa years) rose by 0.8 degrees Celsius in the period 1950-2014, or 0.8 deg. over 64 years (2014-1950). That’s an an average global temperature rise of 0.8/64 degrees C./year in that period or 0.0125 degrees C. per year.[2]

If “carbon” (CO2) is considered the sole cause of this warming, man supposedly caused 3.2% of it since that’s the proportion of total CO2 in the atmosphere that man contributes. Thus, man allegedly causes 3.2% of that average annual increase in temperature, namely, 0.032 X 0.0125 degrees C, or 0.0004 degrees C.

For that slight rise allegedly caused by man, we’re all supposed to take flight from fossil fuels and return to a life of digging grubs out of the ground with a stick “to save the planet.” I personally get half of what I eat that way just to keep costs down, but it’s not something that should be forced on anyone.

If some hare-brained, draconian scheme to reduce man’s 3.2% contribution to total atmospheric CO2 by one-half were to be successful, then such a drastic change in lifestyle at, no doubt, very high cost (grubs AND no automobile travel, central heat, or middle class lifestyle) will effect a reduction in the average annual global atmospheric temperature rise of .0002 degrees C. In another 100 years of such a steady rise in global temperature, namely, 1.25 degrees C., man’s contribution to that further rise in global atmospheric temperature would be 1.25 X 0.032 or 0.04 degrees C.

Man’s total contribution to global atmospheric temperature rise since 1950 thus is 0.032 * 0.8 degrees + 0.04 degrees or 0.0256 degrees plus 0.04 degrees or 0.0656 degrees C. I’ll just take a wild guess here and say that blowing onto your hand with your mouth open probably would feel warmer than a blast of air 0.0656 degrees warmer than the ambient air temperature where you happen to be.

Whoever is pushing the “climate change” (heating and cooling) nonsense isn’t concerned about global warming (that insufficiently ambiguous term) but about the impoverishment of millions and – I strongly suspect – drastic population reduction. This is a top-down initiative and, just like mass immigration, has absolutely nothing to do with ordinary people having any say in what our top-drawer political class have decided is in their our best interest.

Satan lives. And his minions by the thousands busily promulgate the climate change garbage as we speak.

[1] "Let's Play Follow The Climate Money!" By Paul Driessen, originally published at CFACT.org, ZeroHedge, 1/7/19 (formatting removed).
[2] "World of Change: Global Temperatures." By earth observatory of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, apparent date 2014, accessed 1/8/19.

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