February 4, 2019

Jimmy Dore at his finest.


paul scott said...

Excellent. I have now passed my three year mark of no TV and no newspapers in New Zealand.It It was like leaving junk food. Withdrawals for three hours then pure relief, and health.
Sometimes I will see the garbage at a friend's house and I am just astonished to watch them staring and compelled by the stuff.

Heilong said...

I'm glad you liked it. Sometimes Jimmy grates but not often and it's clear he has a sharp mind and sharper wit.

You're wise to bail from the media. The junk food idea is apt. I think of it more as cotton candy laced with the occasional helping of fungus. My ladyfriend insists on paying for cable and I despise the propaganda in the ads and the rabid insistence on avoidance of fundamentals. Talk of minorities is just pure fairy tales and the sanctimony the sluices into one's living room on race and women would gag a maggot as the saying goes.

Glen Beck's channel is often good, particularly Steve Deace, though I'm sure he is not seen in your parts.