Now, why do the globalist conspirators’ hold this animosity against Russia? Are they willing to nuke Moscow because the Russians have refused to change it into another San Francisco? Are they going to destroy Russia because Russian doctors have not assassinated 6 million unborn and born babies in the past ten years? Does the fact that the Russians don’t have a Marxist graduated tax, but a flat one, anger them so much that they want to send the Russian people to a mass nuclear grave? Will they use the threat of nuclear war to force the Russians to change St. Petersburg into a crime-ridden city such as Chicago or Oakland? Or the fact that Russians are not under the exploitation of Big Pharma and Big Med make them nervous because of the bad example? Or the real problem is that, adding insult to injury, Russia has not allowed an invasion of illegal aliens to trespass its borders?"Another Missile Crisis In The Making?" By Servando Gonzalez, News with Views, 3/5/19.Well, those are questions that may explain why the CFR globalist conspirators and their agents hate Russia so much. My guess, however, is that the main reason for their hatred and fear is because the Russians have decided not to join the conspirator’s New World Order. Moreover, I think that the true purpose of the never-ending Mueller investigation has nothing to do with the past election, but to drive a wedge between Trump and Putin to avoid an alliance that scares the globalist conspirators.
H/t: Gates of Vienna.
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