May 15, 2019

The sleep of reason.

[Prof. Mario Caligiuri:] How do you explain that Western countries do not question their alliance with Saudi Arabia, which is generative of Wahhabi ideology and terrorism in the world?

[Prof. Mario Caligiuri:] Sherlock Holmes would say: "Elementary, Watson." This clearly demonstrates that the economic interests, not only of States but especially of multinationals, prevail over the needs of citizens. This is the greatest weakness of democracies that may explode, as was the case in Europe in the twenties and thirties. The results of this era are still being felt today, almost a hundred years later, but we must consider that the degeneration of democracy is like the sleep of reason: it gives rise to monsters. Our mistake today is focused on the monsters and not on the causes of the degeneration of democracy, which, in my opinion, is mainly related to the selection of very inadequate ruling classes.[1]

The West's enfatuation with "democracy" and the mindless extension of the franchise to morons is finally bearing fruit – the enstupidation and degeneration of our civilization. Political debate is dominated by children, freaks, illiterates, and subversives.

[1] "Prof. Mario Caligiuri: 'The Degeneration of Democracy Is Like the Sleep of Reason: It Gives Rise to Monsters.'" By Mohsen Abdelmoumen, American Herald Tribune, 5/14/19 (emphasis in second paragraph added).


paul scott said...

I will want to quote this part >> "democracy" and the mindless extension of the franchise to morons is finally bearing fruit – the enstupidation and degeneration of our civilization. Political debate is dominated by children, freaks, illiterates, and subversives.<<
Its great, I looked up enstupification, [ inducing stupor, by stupifying ], thinking this is a good new word, but it was >>" enstupidation " even better.

I read some of the writing I had made on your posts on Syria last year, its very easy to let it all go and let the shallow sleep come back. But no, thankfully I watch no TV voluntarily, and I am shocked at seeing old friends unwilling to converse at all, stupified and simplified, while they sit there and gulp the toxic junk down.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Thanks. Be sure to catch a quote from Jim Kunstler that I'm going to post today. In 1913, I think the Western world had good reason to think that the future would be one of gradual and continuous improvement. That was a baseless hope as Kunstler makes clear. It all turned into a stinking swamp of lunacy, leftist subversion, weak leaders, and government madness at every level.