October 22, 2019

Election manipulation in Canada and the U.S.

Sadly, Canada went full retard yesterday and voted for the nation-destroying Liberal Party with their love of third-world immigration and denigration of the founding people (whites) of Canada. The Liberals had help from afar:
Like Russian stacking dolls, with US-funded-and-controlled, globalist and socially-progressive organizations like OPEN and Leadnow coming out of each other from larger organizations in the US, yesterdays' Canadian federal election was again simply another election rigged by foreign interests. The globalist, cultural Marxist, Liberal party of Justin Trudeau will continue in power in a minority government supported by their globalist, cultural Marxist socialist party friends, the NDP.

Rockefeller's and other US globalist & social-liberal elites and organizations have been interfering in Canadian politics for many years now. However, the dumbed-down, foreign-controlled, media-brainwashed Canadian people were again easily misled through another federal election. A slate of milk-toast issues were fed to the people, like climate change, where each major party, including the Conservative Party, competed with each another to see which one could be the most politically correct in mirroring the fakeries of the corporate media.

Even though Canada is right in their backing the US-led rape of Syria - not a peep on that issue. Even though Agenda 2030 and the imposition of a One-World-Government with open borders and world taxes is pending and remains the main goal of the international bankster, corporate, socialist, oligarch cabal running things - not a peep on that issue. Even though Nazi-like gender bending is being rammed down our throats and infecting all our schools and children - not a peep on that issue. Even though the development of the Canadian oil industry has been halted and destroyed by the Rockefeller's - not a peep on that issue. Outsourcing and huge trade imbalances- not a peep on that issue either. Unless there is a populist uprising and the people take back their nation, Canada is finished.

["Who Is Behind Leadnow?" By Vivian Krause, Rethink Campaigns, 1/9/18.]

["Vivian Krause: Obama wasn't the only American interfering in the Canadian election." By Vivian Krause, Financial Post, 10/22/19.] [1]

The Vivian Krause article linked to by FBaggins is most interesting. Consider this quote about an American organization called OPEN (Online Progressive Engagement Network) and its activities in Canada and then consider the present pumped-up hysteria about supposed Russian meddling in U.S. elections:
OPEN calls itself as "the people behind the people." OPEN says it is a ‘B2B’ [business-to-business] organization that intentionally keeps "a very low public profile" because of the sensitive political implications of its work. OPEN “helps insights, expertise and collaboration to flow seamlessly across borders,” it says.
American meddling "to flow seamlessly across borders," indeed. American meddling in foreign elections? Hold the hysteria, please.

Trying to get a handle on 21st.-c. "democratic" electoral politics is like drinking from a fire hose. The comments on the ZeroHedge article are choice, as always, and more than one apparent Canadian commenter speaks of the propaganda soup ladled out by the Canadian media. FBaggins describes some major issues that are somehow not discussed in this last major Canadian election.

The same affliction is evident here at home, of course. Trillions of dollars have gone down the rat hole in M.E. and Central Asian military pajama parties while our unfolding fiscal, monetary, and debt catastrophe waits patiently to be recognized while the smoke billows out about "the wall," unemployment, GDP, and the blessed stock market bubble.

Western nations, with a few honorable exceptions, are fixated by trivialities and will not address existential threats. This steady-as-she-goes mentality/religion is proving to be the end of us. Again, I refer you to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's notion of the "petrified armor around people's minds" that "will only be broken by the pitiless crowbar of events." The blanket of propaganda and lies is heavy and pervasive it's true but Western man is also proving himself to be fatally not up to the task of (1) observing and digesting the blatant evidence of stunning misrule and (2) using the simplest of electoral tools to keep the bastards honest. The way is thus clear for leftist slime like OPEN and Leadnow to run their well-funded, distorting campaigns.

But back to the matter of the mechanics of interference. Consider the activities and funding that Vivian Krause describes in her two articles. You learn of major funding, international conferences, donor base assistance, purchase of negative ads, and get-out-the-vote activities by volunteers. Now consider such concrete and energetic measures to influence the Canadian votes in question and, by comparison, the vaporous claims of how Russia meddled in our last presidential election. I seem to recall reading of some timorous and ambiguous Facebook buy by the Satan worshippers in Russia and, supposedly, their providing (with assistance of the ever-helpful MI6 toads) the contemptible "dossier" sourced somewhere in the Russian government (which dossier was seized upon by leftist/Establishment/Democrat opponents of Trump with enthusiasm, let it be said).

If you take Leadnow and OPEN as exemplifying the gold standard of practical efforts to engineer outcomes, the alleged Russian efforts look pathetic in comparison.

UPDATE (10/22/19):

Here's one take on the, uh, 2016 Trump presidential campaign:

Trump’s campaign was a clown show. He had almost no institutional backing. His “ground game” was nonexistent: his “campaign” was a TV program based almost wholly around unscripted media appearances. Trump raised just over half the $1.2 billion Hillary pulled in (making him the first presidential candidate dating back to 1976 to win with a funds deficit).[2]

Yep. The Russians pulled out all the stops for their man.

[1] Comment by FBaggins on "Trudeau Overcomes Scandal To Win 2nd Term As PM, But Fails To Secure Majority." By ZeroHedge, 10/22/19 (emphasis removed).
[2] "Matt Taibbi Trounces Intellectual Mainstream: 'Everyone's A Russian Asset?'" By Matt Taibbi, ZeroHedge, 10/22/19.


paul scott said...

I have a family story about progressive retards in Canada.
My daughter in New Zealand was brought up mainly by myself after a marriage split when she was two.
I gave up my work as a Veterinarian and concentrated on mainly being a father.
The child did pretty well everywhere and eventually went to Massey University New Zealand, to also become a Veterinarian.
She graduated went to Mississippi and the Guelph University as a Surgery Major
Canada around the London Kitchener Montreal area is progressive retard hysteria country.
She met a red-haired know all Social Science academic who works part-time for that Social Democrat party with an Indian leader.
Pretty quickly I went from “the best father in the world” to a white supremacist redneck loser who is also now thoroughly
misguided, ‘poorly informed ‘ racist and pathetically, a Trump supporter.
It would be hard to describe it all in terms but it was like a person who had caught a disease which altered her entire thought process.
With it all goes the goes an arrogance and belief systems of a closed extreme religion.
The emotional drivers are such that in a civil war I would take out people like those Canadian and other socialists
I never before understood the manifestation of civil hatred. Now I do.
This is war, you lose most of your friends, as they suck the kool-aid, they become despicable and irrational to you, and you to them.
Sincerely, Paul Scott

Col. B. Bunny said...

Thank you. That is just fascinating. I have many discussions with my g/f about how I just would never casually throw aside my convictions or intellectual proclivities just because another person told me something. I would, of course, want to ingratiate myself with a comely lass by trying to tolerate her opinions or, gasp, modifying my own based on new input from her. The accommodations and adjustments would not, however, be major ones in the absence of really amazing new data. Reading Solzhenitsyn was a life-changing event for me as I could not go back to my previous way of thinking after reading thousands and thousands of his words. And that sure was "new data"!

Even then, it was more new data rather than a different way of thinking or analyzing. I would be repelled by anyone who attempted to convince me that my parents were moral reprobates after being raised by them. I would not lay on them the supposed sins of an entire culture.

The evolution in my thinking about the US from the time of the Cold War to the present has been dramatic but not something that happened without extensive reading and thought. Even now, I am capable of considered value judgments about particular parts of America and, to use your story, I wouldn't reject it based on the ill-considered views of a total stranger. What is it about a college professor's lectures that seems to give them magical, permanent effect? I never took on board anything from a professor but that it went through MY FILTER.

The same thing student gullibility seems to happen with regard to our entire civilization. Minor, limited, or ancient faults are seized on without any attempt at gaining perspective. Mere mention of the crime has immense power to change young minds?

Defect no. 25? Ok. Reject the whole darn shootin' match and try some lunatic, untried alternative dreamed up by lightweights, malcontents, criminals, or hysterics. Case closed. Racism!!! Homophobia!!! Sexism!!!

That seems to be the operative approach for millions.

Your daughter appears to stand the usual growth experience on its head. Kids are know-it-alls and parents are troglodytes when they're teenagers but when they get out into the world they get a rude introduction to the fact that strangers do not care a fig about them. You no doubt know of Mark Twain's witticism that when he left home he thought his father was pretty ignorant but when he returned home four years later he was surprised how much his father had learned. I have faith that that is a timeless observation and that your daughter will realize the error of her ways.