June 23, 2020

Pearls of expression.

Ultimately, the mainstream narrative about White identity politics is based on unreason and outright falsehood. An edifice built so obviously on an emotive disdain for facts and objective reality will be entirely unmoved by rejoinders employing them. . . .

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Looked at from an angle not dripping with footnotes and statistics, isn’t it clear that our opponents are, in some sense, crawling with “demons”? Aren’t they riddled with the most malevolent of intentions?

"Latter-Day Flagellants, Christianity, and the Politics of Evil." By Andrew Joyce, The Unz Review, 6/21/20.


Anonymous said...

You may find this interesting, maybe:


Col. B. Bunny said...

That link and one link internal to it to an article by Charles Davis cover a lot of territory none of which is related to my post here. I'm particularly uninterested in what Mr. Davis has to say at the linked article, given his citing with approval the SPLC toads and whom they have designated as a hate group or "known extremists.”

Col. B. Bunny said...

Correction. The link you provided only tangentially relates to my post, and that's stretching it. To the extent that anything the SPLC does is quoted then the "outright falsehood" part of my quoted text is demonstrated.

PS -- I'm still not sure what "civil nationalism" is. No sarcasm here. I do find Tucker to be in the same category as Rush and Sean. All of them steer clear of any analysis of racial characteristics and ethnic agendas. We're all one potentially big happy family if those darn delinquents out there would just take a shower, get a job, and embrace the flag and the Constitution. Tucker comes the closest to any kind of race realism but all three keep their commentary on the tapioca side of the spectrum.

There's plenty of work to do just to hammer at the irrationality, destructiveness, and hatred of the left. The forthcoming economic crash will all by its lonesome teach many valuable lessons a la Ben Franklin -- "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other."