July 22, 2020

Coming attractions.

I believe anybody who has managed to stay sane through the travails of the past four years cannot fail to see that the clinically incompetent Joe Biden is an obvious stalking horse for something more sinister. I think we will learn what that is before much longer.[1]
The thought that the American presidential election could serve the interests of a cynical, hostile, unidentified minority consisting of, presumably, the super rich and Freddy Kruger is highly offensive. Truth to tell, that's the norm for presidential politics but in the past, as a simple courtesy to the schmuck voter, it was at least presumed that the eventual "winner" would be the face of the executive branch for the next four years.

Now, the putative would-be top Democrat guy is demonstrably corrupt, creepy, and bordering on full-blown Keynesianism. He's being kept in his cage basement under close control by North Korean amazons but the likely de facto president in the event of Victory of the Lunatics is yet to appear on the scene. Diablo ex machine. We dodged the Mayor Pete and the First Husband bullet but there are always Susan Rice, Lowretta "Axe Me About My Granchirrens" Lynch, Samantha "Responsibility to Bomb" Powers, Valerie "My Whole Damn Family Plus the Cabana Boy Are Communists" Jarrett, and Lori "I Special" Lightweight. Hell, why not Nikki Nookie? That subcontinental ass would be scrumptious to contemplate for four years and I'm being deadly serious here.

The bench is deep.

This is some sick scenario working its way into the sunlight of our exceptional democratic woke wonderfulness with the eventual puppet/selectee to be, fear not, the distillation of all the pathology, stupidity, and dishonesty that can be force fed down the gullet of the Deplorables. Or introduced by other means.

Fashion your seat belts, folks. It looks like were heading into a bit of turbulence.

Peak stupidity is almost here.

[1] "Position Statement." By James Howard Kunstler, LewRockwell.com, 7/17/20.

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