July 18, 2020

The "it's deliberate" hypothesis.

Covid-19; Phase 1 of the “Permanent Crisis”

It all boils down to this: Ruling class elites are using a public health crisis to wage a full-scale war on the American people and their system of representative government. The Democrat-CIA-Media Axis has been instrumental in prosecuting the conflict, as they were in the Russiagate fiasco. These are the shock troops who execute the battleplan of economic strangulation, covert skulduggery, and relentless disinformation. By the time the American people figure out what’s going on, the political landscape will have changed completely.[1]

The same analysis makes sense with the issues of mass immigration, fiscal lunacy, monetary recklessness, black hatred and cultural failure, and the willful and determined refusal to deal with the Antifa scourge -- Antifa the shock troops and street thugs who serve Soros and the DNC.

It is simply im…bleeping…possible to believe that what has been done in these areas is motivated by a sincere concern for the welfare of the American nation and its citizens.

As the legal maxim has it: People intend the natural consequences of their acts.

Yes, they do.

Monica Vitti starred in a 1964 Antonioni movie called "The Red Desert" wherein she played a woman with vague emotional problems after an auto accident. Her home was in a bleak Italian industrial town and her social life was similarly empty of anything satisfying. She has a brief encounter with a man played by Richard Harris. Walking with her son later, he wonders if the birds are poisoned by the smoke from a nearby smokestack. She replies that the birds have learned to avoid the smoke, implying that she too has to be careful about what is or is not good for her and avoid what is poisonous.

The bleakness of that Italian cityscape matches our own and we too are faced with an entire political, social, and economic structure that is poisonous, that will not and cannot sustain life. Our ruling class despises us ordinary people and Hillary with her "deplorables" insult is its Gibson girl.

This reality has not yet completely sunk into the consciousness of decent, productive American citizens but that is what they will eventually conclude. No person who values normality and what America is all about can any longer afford to believe that our ruling class is not vicious, destructive, deranged, and pure poison to us all.

[1] "COVID-19: Phase 1 Of The 'Permanent Crisis'?" By Mike Whitney, ZeroHedge, 7/17/20 (emphasis removed).


KAR said...

Yes to everything you've said. But be aware the perpetrator is the global ruling elite, and that their target is the entire world, which they have apparently taken over, and in a shockingly short time, without firing a shot. So where are we now? Confusion is rampant.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Thank you. It's dismaying to say the least. At least the Bolsheviks, socialists and democratic socialists had a philosophy of some kind of a greater good. Their approaches were doomed because of the ghastly downside of total political control in the case of the Bolsheviks when it was clear that the hyenas and bottom feeders of humanity had swarmed their enterprise. The approach of the socialists was doomed because of the impossibility of central management of an economy and consequent malinvestment of all kinds that resulted. The democratic socialists had failure baked into the cake because of the realities of electoral politics and personal ambition that made every polity a race to the bottom. Politicians competed with each other to add more and more benefits to the pinata party and the voters brooked no interference in the name of sanity or the now-more-popular formulation of "austerity."

But, as I say, somewhere in the background was the notion articulated, hypocritically or not, of an improvement in the life of the people because wiser and more compassionate leaders would see the interests of the people more clearly, a fairer division of the national cornucopia, and some kind of retribution for evil, selfish people who didn't want to "share."

With what we see today, however, it's impossible to identify anything but pure malevolence and a naked elite grab for power cynically using the moon children and lumpenproletariat to be their shock troops. And on top of this we see the total abdication of practically all government, if not wholesale government connivance.

Solzhenitsyn said live not by lies but here we are stuck in a gushing torrent of lies and a malevolence that I simply cannot fathom.

Karl Pomeroy said...

So true, Col. Bunny. The global elite are shutting down the world with no professed "plan" for our future. I can tell I am talking to a real mind. But what is their motive? Panic about the global warming crisis? (If so, the shutdown was a brilliant pragmatic move.) Depopulation? Some idealistic vision of a New World Order One World Government?

Col. B. Bunny said...

Thank you for your kind words. I don't think AGW or "climate change" are honest concerns on the part of the elite. Michael Mann's dishonesty in not releasing his data has yet to be called out by the grifters who tout his conclusions and CC is on its face a meaningless term encompassing drought, flood, lightning, wind, ice, polar bears, and no polar bears. The urge to have a world government and to crush anything resembling true democratic input seems the desired mechanism to achieve their goals. It's not an end in itself. Financial manipulation the same. Good to be able to do but after a while how many millions or billions are enough?

So what are their goals? Again, you may have hit the nail on the head. I know one person who's an ardent abortion advocate, environmentalist, ZPG (Zero Population Growth, if you're too young to remember that little initiative), and, possibly, euthanasia advocate. There's a real leftist fanaticism premised on the vileness of human beings and their squandering of resources, polluting ways, consumerism, mistreatment of animals, contempt for foreigners, minorities, women, and despoiling of the environment. A layer on top of this is the emptiness and despair of urban life which fuels support for trolls who preach a return to pristine wilderness, wise stewardship, affirming community, and Saturday night clogging and bluegrass music.

My adult life has been permeated by currents, vibrations, and implosions founded in some way on all or some of these themes. The traditional notion that things can be ok, if not quite pleasant at times, was mostly absent from the thinking of large numbers of adult acquaintances. There was only discontent and grudging support for the status quo. If that. I think the political elites have prospered by tapping into and exacerbating this despair and rejectionism. Alas, there's no there there, only a desire for less.

There's a giant hole in the spirit of modern Westerners who continue to grasp at the straw of a benevolent socialism. Certainly, they have no spiritual life or non-government community. Sports, entertainment, materialism, and hedonism are poor substitutes for genuine community or a vibrant nation. Witness the phenomenon of mass immigration. Westerners are so stupified that they confuse hostile, primitive foreigners as kinsmen.

This can't end well. The elites will get their destruction and depopulation but neither they or anyone else will like the return to barbarism that is the only logical outcome of policies devised by stupid, hateful elites.

Best I can do.