April 26, 2021

Total academic failure, zero foresight, maximum dependency, and unlimited arrogance.

What’s actually at issue here is whether black people in America really want to join with the other ethnic groups present in the land in a national common culture — that is, a consensus about behavior, ceremonies, and manners — or would rather opt out of it, oppose it, or violently destroy what’s left of it. The key to these questions is how to explain the failure-to-thrive of a large black demographic despite the apparent victories of a long civil rights campaign, colossal expenditures of tax money for assistance, and affirmative action galore. I would explain it as the malign influence of neurotic white liberalism acting on the aforesaid black ambivalence about joining in or remaining apart from that common culture.[1]
Hell hath no fury like a white man played for a chump. Trillions down a rat hole for bugger all except bastardy, crime, destruction, abuse, rejectionism, and the rock-solid support for poitical buffoons. Is white forebearance decreed to be eternal or can we wake up and call it what it is -- immutable black failure?

[1] "The Movie Follows the Script." By Jim Kunstler, Clusterfuck Nation, 4/19/21.


paul scott said...

If the white man does have fury as suggested , I am wondering where it is hidden.
I write about action and fury every day, and I am seen as an outcast and an oddball, best avoided.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Unfortunately, that's a good question. Prosperity is a soporific but more and more it looks like the really good times were in the 1950s and maybe the '60s. We coasted a good many years on the memory of those times and our relief at having witnessed the internal collapse of the USSR. Post 1991 has been a nightmare of US stupidity, recklessness, and arrogance and the witless, gutless Congress and Federal Reserve have put the bright red ribbon on the perfect formula for crashing the American economic juggernaut. What decent, patriotic official would countenance the transfer of thousands of US factories to the shore of a communist dictatorship and the obscenity of open borders?

Let's see what inflation and the inevitable cessation or worthlessness of unemployment/stimulus payments do to white consciousness. Payments to illegals and seeing them steal jobs will not sit well with people who wake up even a bit.