May 10, 2021

Two lunatic objectives.

The language of a human rights ideology defined in a multitude of gender and diversity iterations has seized the Brussels discourse. Some might welcome this development in principle, viewing it as righting ancient injustices. However, it should be understood that it is rooted not so much in human compassion, but is firmly seated in power dynamics, and, what’s more, a particularly dangerous set of power dynamics.

One the one hand, the ‘Biden agenda’ is primarily about ousting a deeply-rooted constituency of Americans (Red America) permanently from power.

He says it explicitly.

And on the other, as Blinken repeats and endlessly insists, the U.S.-shaped rules-based order must prevail in the world.[1]

To which agenda normal people and countries can only respond, "Keep it up, mothertruckers. Tickle them ivories like you're some kind of gift to humanity. Sure. We'll buy that."


  1. the highest court in the land is corrupt in its ludicrous manipulation of language (not a tax, penumbral emanations, female includes tranny), upending of the obvious constitutional scheme (interstate everything), and groveling cowardice in the face of a leftist coup d'etat (no standing) and
  2. we refuse to (a) keep our streets safe by enforcing our laws against riot, arson, looting, theft, vandalism, assault, mayhem, murder and (b) cave like the pussies we are in the face of plaintive cries of "asylum" and refuse to enforce our borders,
just who are we to lecture the world on the supposed rules-based international order? (Did I mention our arrogant, arbitrary, regime-change and sanctions-happy criminality here and there?)

As for disappearing the white, Christian founders, builders and owners of this country, well, let's just say it's a first in world history. I am a firm believer in the notion that there's nothing new under the sun. I read that somewhere. But I honestly do believe that institutionalized self-loathing is absolutely new in this vale of tears. Thank you, addle-brained progressives.

[1]  "The Butterfly Effect Re-Setting The Global Paradigm." By Alastair Crooke, ZeroHedge, 5/10/21 (bolding removed).


paul scott said...

We have increasing evidence on the ambitions of the PM of NZ Jacinda Ardern.
Her recent statement that >
" New Zealand will be pursuing it's relationship with Beijing ahead of commitment of the five eyes agreement" makes David Lange look like a patriot.
Mpre importantly it marks her out as being groomed for UN leadership under a PRCC dominated world, as Biden collapses your country.
Already to reveal reality about the Al Noor false flag will see you dragged off the streets and incarcerated for whatever reason and time they can muster.
My return to New Zealand in October will face real danger from the now totalitarian puppet regime of NZ.
Both Canada and New Zealand can no longer be considered as reliable intelligence allies of USA

Col. B. Bunny said...

NZ has always seemed to be mad about racing to the left. Jacinda's addressing the German crowd years ago as "comrade" this and "comrade" that has lodged in my mind forever. The left's hideous record in the last century is invisible to these fools.

Confusion, lies, and deception are the Way of the West now. As I may have noted, a Jewish fellow came to the U.S. from the Netherlands sometime after the war. He'd been in the underground in the war. He told a friend of mine that the propaganda he sees here now is worse than it was than in Occupied Holland. True story.

I grant some small leeway to people because they live bombarded by the deliberately confusing lies about nationalism, totalitarianism, National Socialism, and what is "right-wing." It is God's only truth that the problem that caused WWII was "nationalism" and the cure for that is globalism, centralization, and authoritarian government (EU). Totalitarianism was what was the problem but now we see a vicious assault on basic liberties, a sick adulation of experts and the highly "educated," and contempt for popular opinion, democratic mechanisms, populism and the very notion of national sovereignty. A good-hearted local fellow who works in a local store said of illegal immigrants that "they're just coming here for a better life." Quote unquote. THIS year he said that.

National Socialism is ceaselessly promoted as "right-wing," as is "fascism." Hitler killed 6M Jews but Genrick Yagoda, a Jew, killed even more Christians in the Soviet Union. We'll never see a reordering of the hierarchy of villainy in our lifetime and the facts of the Jewish experience in WWII and the overwhelming overrepresentation of Jews in the Bolshevik ranks in the first two or three decades of the Soviet Union simply will not be highlighted. There's one and only one correct interpretation of the ghastly 20th c. and so I have to excuse some portion of the intellectual failure to appreciate the danger of the left.

Amen about Canada and NZ. The former also has that hard, vile leftist edge as can be seen in NZ. Witness the pastor being treated like a gang member by the Alberta cops.