July 19, 2021

Pearls of expression -- covid edition.

Why these [totalitarian] measures when the HCQ and Ivermectin cures are available and when the deaths and cases claimed for Covid were exaggerated in order to increase fear?

Why are dissenting scientists and medical professionals silenced?

The entire “pandemic” has been conducted outside the realm of evidence. That should tell you that very much is wrong with the narrative.[1]

The whole campaign to deplatform people discussing actual treatment alternatives -- "misinformation" SHMG -- to vaccination has been vile and dishonest. When did free people become answerable to toads who decide what is and what isn't "misinformation" and that "actual" misinformation will cause unacceptable damage to simple minds?

[1] "How the Covid 'Pandemic' Was Orchestrated." By Paul Craig Roberts, The Unz Review, 7/15/21.

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